我正在尝试更多地了解 QtQuick 和 QML.我目前的目标是了解如何将数据从 C++ 模型绑定到我的视图.到目前为止,我已经能够在我的 QML 中设置模型并从模型中获取数据,但我不知道如何更新我的数据.
I'm trying to learn more about QtQuick and QML. My current goal is to understand how to bind data from a C++ model to my view. So far I've been able to setup the model in my QML and get data from the model but I can't figure out how to update my data.
如何为我的 C++ 模型设置双向绑定?以下是我目前编写的代码.
How do I setup two way binding for my C++ model? Below is the code I've written so far.
class Message : public QObject
Q_PROPERTY(QString author READ getAuthor WRITE setAuthor NOTIFY authorChanged)
Q_PROPERTY(QString message READ getMessage WRITE setMessage NOTIFY messageChanged)
void authorChanged(QString author);
void messageChanged(QString message);
Message(QObject *parent = 0);
QString getAuthor();
void setAuthor(QString author);
QString getMessage();
void setMessage(QString message);
QString _author;
QString _message;
#include "message.h"
Message::Message(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
QString Message::getAuthor()
return _author;
void Message::setAuthor(QString author)
if(author != _author)
_author = author;
emit authorChanged(author);
QString Message::getMessage()
return _message;
void Message::setMessage(QString message)
if(message != _message)
_message = message;
emit messageChanged(message);
import QtQuick 2.7
import QtQuick.Controls 2.0
import QtQuick.Layouts 1.0
import com.butts.messaging 1.0
ApplicationWindow {
visible: true
width: 640
height: 480
title: "Test"
Message {
id: testMessage
author: "Batman"
message: "Hello World!"
Flow {
TextField {
text: testMessage.message
Label {
text: testMessage.message
#include <QGuiApplication>
#include <QQmlApplicationEngine>
#include "message.h"
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
qmlRegisterType<Message>("com.butts.messaging", 1, 0, "Message");
//Message msg = Message();
QGuiApplication app(argc, argv);
QQmlApplicationEngine engine;
return app.exec();
P.S. I'm a giant noob at this so feel free to point out any other issues (formatting, standards, etc.) I have in my code, I need to learn somehow lol
编辑 1
阅读@derM 的回答后,我更改了代码以实现我想要的
After reading @derM's answer I changed my code to achieve what I wanted
TextField {
id: editor
//Binding model -> view
text: testMessage.message
//Binding model <- view
Binding {
target: testMessage
property: "message"
value: editor.text
Label {
id: display
//Binding model -> view
text: testMessage.message
双向绑定在 QML 中是一个复杂的问题,因为它通常用作某种赋值.
Twoway binding is a complicated matter in QML, as it usually works as some assignment.
所以,如果你用 propertyname: valuetobeboundto
绑定一个属性,然后再给 propertyname
So, if you bind a property with propertyname: valuetobeboundto
and later assign something to propertyname
again, this binding will be lost.
As a workaround there are two ways: The use of Binding
-Objects or to not use binding, but handle all the property-change-signals (which your model ideally properly emits) manually.
首先,您可以在此处找到详细说明.在这里,他们为每个方向使用一个 Binding
-Object.好消息是,那些 Binding
不会通过分配新的 Binding
For the first, you can find a detailed instruction here.
Here they use the one Binding
-Object for each direction. The good thing is, those Binding
s will not be overridden, by assignment of a new Binding
Row {
spacing: 2
Rectangle {
id: r0
width: 50
height: 30
Rectangle {
id: r1
width: 50
height: 30
color: b2.pressed ? 'red' : 'blue'
Button {
id: b2
Button {
id: b3
onPressed: r1.color = 'black'
onReleased: r1.color = 'green'
Binding {
target: r0
property: 'color'
value: b2.pressed ? 'red' : 'blue'
Binding {
target: r0
property: 'color'
value: (b3.pressed ? 'black' : 'green')
不会再通过点击 b2
-Objects 完成,因此Binding
不会丢失.但是,您可以看到绑定是如何工作的:每当 Button
都会更新.因此按下 AND 释放 b2
将触发信号,该信号将由第一个 Binding
处理,按下 也是如此b3
的 >AND 发布.
At the beginning the value of r1
is bound to the state of b2
, but as soon as b3
has been pressed once, r1
won't be updated by a click on b2
anymore. For r0
the updating will be done by the two Binding
-Objects, and therefore the Binding
won't be lost. However, you can see, how the binding works: When ever the state of the Button
changes, the Binding
will be updated.
So the press AND the release of b2
will fire signals, that will be handled by the first Binding
and the same goes for the press AND relase of b3
Now coming to the two-way binding. Here it is important to avoid Binding-Loops.
Row {
Button {
id: count0
property int count: 0
onClicked: count += 1
text: count
Button {
id: count1
property int count: 0
onClicked: count += 1
text: count
Binding {
target: count0
property: 'count'
value: count1.count
Binding {
target: count1
property: 'count'
value: count0.count
While this example is perfectly fine. The changing of count0.count
will trigger a change of count1.count
. Now it is checked, if count0.count
would need an update, but the value is already the right, so the recursion ends, and no binding-loop occures.
Binding {
target: count1
property: 'count'
value: count0.count + 1
需要提高.第一个 Binding
然后尝试将 count0.count
设置为与 count1.count
相同的值,但是没有办法让 Binding
完成后不需要做任何改变.这将导致绑定循环.幸运的是,这些在 QML 中检测得很好,因此避免了锁定.
drastically changes the situation: Now with each change of count0.count
, count1.count
needs to be raised. The first Binding
then tries to set count0.count
to the same value as count1.count
but there is just no way that both Binding
will be satisfied, and no change is needed to be done, after the other Binding
did it's work. It will result in a binding-loop. Luckily those are detected pretty fine in QML, so a lock is avoided.
Now there is only one last thing to take care of: Consider this Component-Definition:
// TestObj.qml
Item {
width: 150
height: 40
property alias color: rect.color
Row {
spacing: 10
Rectangle {
id: rect
width: 40
height: 40
radius: 20
color: butt.pressed ? 'green' : 'red'
Button {
id: butt
text: 'toggle'
这里我们有一个 color
-property 的内部绑定,通过使用 propertyname: valueToBeBoundTo
-Syntax.这意味着,内部绑定可能会被 color
属性的任何外部赋值覆盖.用 Binding
-Object 替换这个绑定,你应该没问题.
Here we have an internal binding of the color
-property, by using the propertyname: valueToBeBoundTo
-Syntax. This means, the internal binding might be overwritten by any external assignemtn of the color
Replace this binding by a Binding
-Object, and you should be fine.
在外部绑定到某个值,然后您在内部处理一个信号并为其分配一个值,如果没有,外部绑定将丢失由 Binding
-Object 创建.
The same would go the other way around: color
is externally bound to some value, and then you handle a signal internally and assign a value to it, the external binding would be lost, if not created by a Binding
This is only a general overview. There are way more details that might alter the behavior of Binding. But I think I have shown, how you can create a Two-Way-Binding and mentioned quite some pitfalls, you might encounter.