(Qt 5.4.1) 此应用程序无法启动,因为它无法找到或加载 Qt 平台插件“xcb".

2021-12-09 00:00:00 qt c++

我重新安装了 ubuntu 14.04、Qt 5.4.1 和 Qtcreator.

I reinstalled my ubuntu 14.04 and Qt 5.4.1 and Qtcreator.

Qt 5.4.1 是从源代码构建的,带有-opensource -nomake-test -nomake-example"配置选项.

Qt 5.4.1 was built from source with "-opensource -nomake-test -nomake-example" configure options.

当我在 QtCreator 中打开一个旧项目并构建它时,一切正常.

When I open an old project in QtCreator and build it everything's OK.


But when I run this project it shows:

此应用程序无法启动,因为它无法找到或加载 Qt 平台插件xcb".

This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "xcb".


Available platform plugins are: linuxfb, minimal, offscreen, xcb.


Reinstalling the application may fix this problem. Aborted (core dumped)

所以我用谷歌搜索了这个问题并尝试了一切.我安装了所有软件包(libxcb 系列)但没有任何帮助!

So I googled this problem and tried everything. I installed every packages (libxcb series) but nothing can help!



当我在 platform 目录中运行 ldd 命令时,它显示:

When I run ldd command in platform directory, It shows:

你可以看到什么都没有丢失.实际上我已经在名为 libqxcb.so 的平台目录中创建了一个软链接.之前我的平台目录下没有libqxcb.so.

You can see that nothing is missing. And actually I have made a softlink in the platform directory called libqxcb.so. There was no libqxcb.so in my platform directory before.

当我对我的可执行文件运行 ldd 命令时.表明:

And when I run ldd command to my executable. it shows:


And you can see the error when I execute this file.



For a similar issue, in my case I solved with:

export QT_PLUGIN_PATH=<qt base path>/plugins
