如何将 QString 转换为 std::string?

2021-12-09 00:00:00 qt type-conversion c++ qstring


I am trying to do something like this:

QString string;
// do things...
std::cout << string << std::endl;

但代码无法编译.如何将 qstring 的内容输出到控制台(例如出于调试目的或其他原因)?如何将QString 转换为std::string?

but the code doesn't compile. How to output the content of qstring into the console (e.g. for debugging purposes or other reasons)? How to convert QString to std::string?


QString 转换为 std::string 时应该记住的一件事是QString 是 UTF-16 编码,而 std::string... 可以有任何编码.

One of the things you should remember when converting QString to std::string is the fact that QString is UTF-16 encoded while std::string... May have any encodings.


QString qs;

// Either this if you use UTF-8 anywhere
std::string utf8_text = qs.toUtf8().constData();

// or this if you're on Windows :-)
std::string current_locale_text = qs.toLocal8Bit().constData();


The suggested (accepted) method may work if you specify codec.

