您最喜欢的分析工具是什么(用于 C++)

2021-12-08 00:00:00 performance profiling c++

到目前为止,我只使用了 Rational Quantify.我听说过有关英特尔 VTune 的好消息,但从未尝试过!

So far, I've only used Rational Quantify. I've heard great things about Intel's VTune, but have never tried it!


I'm mostly looking for software that will instrument the code, as I guess that's about the only way to get very fine results.

本机 C++ 有哪些好的分析器窗户?


用于 linux 开发(尽管其中一些工具可能适用于其他平台).这是我所知道的两个大公司,还有很多其他较小的公司已经有一段时间没有积极发展了.

For linux development (although some of these tools might work on other platforms). These are the two big names I know of, there's plenty of other smaller ones that haven't seen active development in a while.

  • 瓦尔格林
  • TAU - 调整和分析实用程序
