
2021-12-07 00:00:00 function class pointers c++ member

我试图将类中的成员函数传递给采用成员函数类指针的函数.我遇到的问题是我不确定如何使用 this 指针在类中正确执行此操作.有人有建议吗?

I am trying to pass a member function within a class to a function that takes a member function class pointer. The problem I am having is that I am not sure how to properly do this within the class using the this pointer. Does anyone have suggestions?


Here is a copy of the class that is passing the member function:

class testMenu : public MenuScreen{

bool draw;

MenuButton<testMenu> x;


    draw = false;

void test2(){
    draw = true;

函数 x.SetButton(...) 包含在另一个类中,其中对象"是一个模板.

The function x.SetButton(...) is contained in another class, where "object" is a template.

void SetButton(int xPos, int yPos, LPCWSTR normalFilePath, LPCWSTR hoverFilePath, LPCWSTR pressedFilePath, int Width, int Height, void (object::*ButtonFunc)()) {

    BUTTON::SetButton(xPos, yPos, normalFilePath, hoverFilePath, pressedFilePath, Width, Height);

    this->ButtonFunc = &ButtonFunc;


If anyone has any advice on how I can properly send this function so that I can use it later.


要通过指针调用成员函数,需要两样东西:指向对象的指针和指向函数的指针.您需要 MenuButton::SetButton()

To call a member function by pointer, you need two things: A pointer to the object and a pointer to the function. You need both in MenuButton::SetButton()

template <class object>
void MenuButton::SetButton(int xPos, int yPos, LPCWSTR normalFilePath,
        LPCWSTR hoverFilePath, LPCWSTR pressedFilePath,
        int Width, int Height, object *ButtonObj, void (object::*ButtonFunc)())
  BUTTON::SetButton(xPos, yPos, normalFilePath, hoverFilePath, pressedFilePath, Width, Height);

  this->ButtonObj = ButtonObj;
  this->ButtonFunc = ButtonFunc;


Then you can invoke the function using both pointers:


不要忘记将指向您的对象的指针传递给 MenuButton::SetButton():

Don't forget to pass the pointer to your object to MenuButton::SetButton():

  x.SetButton(100,100,TEXT("buttonNormal.png"), TEXT("buttonHover.png"),
        TEXT("buttonPressed.png"), 100, 40, this, test2);
  draw = false;
