C/C++ 中 void main 和 int main 的区别?

2021-12-07 00:00:00 function main c standards c++

在 C++(或 C)程序中声明 main 函数的方式有关系吗?

Does it matter which way I declare the main function in a C++ (or C) program?



The difference is one is the correct way to define main, and the other is not.


int main(int argc, char** argv)

int main()

是根据 C++ 规范对 main 的正确定义.

are the proper definition of your main per the C++ spec.

void main(int argc, char** argv)

现在不是,也曾经是 IIRC,它是旧版 Microsoft 的 C++ 编译器带来的反常现象.

is not and was, IIRC, a perversity that came with older Microsoft's C++ compilers.

