
2021-12-07 00:00:00 function dll header c++

我正在尝试在 Visual Studio 中创建一个能够访问已存在的 .dll 文件的应用程序.我需要应用程序来调用例程.我也有一个已经存在的头文件.

I am trying to create an application in visual studio that will be able to access a .dll file that already exists. I need the application to call up routines. I also have a header file that already exists.

我一直在网上研究,发现我需要创建一个 .lib 文件.在这里查看类似问题时,我找到了一个链接:http://support.microsoft.com/kb/131313但是,我无法按照指示进行操作.

I have been researching on the internet and have found that I need to create a .lib file. Looking at similar questions on here I found a link: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/131313 I cannot however follow the directions.

链接中的信息说要制作一个 DEF 文件(我在别处读到这需要编译为同名的 DLL,但不确定该名称是什么,与 .dll 文件同名?).但我不明白第一个方向,即使用 DUMPBIN/EXPORTS".然后我需要存根"函数,然后处理 .OBJ 文件(我不知道这些文件是什么).

The information in the link says to make a DEF file ( I read elsewhere that this needs to be compiled as a DLL with the same name, but not sure what that name is, the same name as the .dll file?). But I do not understand the first direction, to 'Use DUMPBIN /EXPORTS'. I then need to 'stub out' functions, and then something to do with .OBJ files (I do not know what these files are).


Are there any step-by-step directions, similar to the link above, that are easy to follow?


您将需要 Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express(或任何其他 MSVC 命令行工具来源)和您的 DLL.

You're going to need Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Express (or any other source of MSVC command line tools), and your DLL.


  1. dumpbin/EXPORTS yourfile.dll >yourfile.exports
  2. 将所需函数的名称从 yourfile.exports 粘贴到新的 yourfile.def 文件中.在此文件的顶部添加一行带有 EXPORTS 字样的行.
  3. VCin 目录(lib.exe 和其他编译工具所在的目录)运行以下命令.
  1. dumpbin /EXPORTS yourfile.dll > yourfile.exports
  2. Paste the names of the needed functions from yourfile.exports into a new yourfile.def file. Add a line with the word EXPORTS at the top of this file.
  3. Run the following commands from VCin directory (the one where lib.exe and other compile tools reside).



 lib /def:yourfile.def /out:yourfile.lib

或用于 x64 构建

 lib /def:yourfile.def /machine:x64 /out:yourfile64.lib


You should get two files generated: yourfile.lib and yourfile.exp
