STL 中的向量与列表

2021-12-06 00:00:00 list vector c++ stl

我在 Effective STL 中注意到

I noticed in Effective STL that

vector 是序列的类型应该默认使用.

vector is the type of sequence that should be used by default.

什么意思?似乎忽略效率vector 可以做任何事情.

What's does it mean? It seems that ignore the efficiency vector can do anything.

谁能给我一个场景,其中 vector 不是一个可行的选择,但必须使用 list?

Could anybody offer me a scenario where vector is not a feasible option but list must be used?



Situations where you want to insert a lot of items into anywhere but the end of a sequence repeatedly.


Check out the complexity guarantees for each different type of container:

