strptime() 在 Windows 上等价?

2021-12-02 00:00:00 datetime windows c c++

是否有适用于 Windows 的 strptime() 的等效实现?不幸的是,这个 POSIX 函数似乎不可用.

Is there a good equivalent implementation of strptime() available for Windows? Unfortunately, this POSIX function does not appear to be available.

strptime 的开放组描述 - 总结:它转换文本将"MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS"等字符串转化为tm struct,与strftime()相反.>

Open Group description of strptime - summary: it converts a text string such as "MM-DD-YYYY HH:MM:SS" into a tm struct, the opposite of strftime().


strptime() 的开源版本(BSD 许可)可以在这里找到:

An open-source version (BSD license) of strptime() can be found here:


You'll need to add the following declaration to use it:

char *strptime(const char * __restrict, const char * __restrict, struct tm * __restrict);
