如何从 Python 代码文件中设置 kivy 小部件 id

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy widget


我需要帮助将 id 分配给从 python 函数创建的新 kivy 小部件

I need help assigning ids to new kivy widgets that are created from a python function


old = Label(id = 'old')


old = Label()
old.id = 'old'


but it doesn't seem to work because, whenever i try referencing the widgets, it gives me an error


您在 Python 代码中创建 id 的方式是正确的.

The ways that you have creating id in Python code are correct.

但是您不能使用 self.ids.oldself.ids['old'] 来引用它们,因为它们在 self.ids 中不存在.self.ids 字典类型属性仅包含所有带有在 kv 文件中定义的 id 标记的小部件.

But you cannot reference them using self.ids.old or self.ids['old'] because they don't exist in self.ids. The self.ids dictionary type property contains only all widgets tagged with ids defined inside kv file.

要引用 Python 代码中定义的 id,在本例中使用 self.old.

To reference id defined in Python code, in this example use self.old.

在你的 python 代码中访问 Kv lang 中定义的小部件

当您的 kv 文件被解析时,kivy 会收集所有标记为的小部件id 并将它们放在这个 self.ids 字典类型属性中.那意味着您还可以遍历这些小部件并访问它们字典样式.

When your kv file is parsed, kivy collects all the widgets tagged with id’s and places them in this self.ids dictionary type property. That means you can also iterate over these widgets and access them dictionary style.
