如何在 kivy FileChooser Python 中访问所有硬盘

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy filechooser


如何在 kivy 1.11.1 中使用 Listview 或 Iconview 在 kivy FileChooser 中显示系统中安装的所有硬盘(C、X、J)?

how can I display all harddrives installed in the System (C,X,J) in a kivy FileChooser using either Listview or Iconview in kivy 1.11.1?



I faced the same problem and finally solved it by adding "shortcut" buttons for the drives. I start by getting a list of all the drives using:

drives = ['%s:' % d for d in string.ascii_uppercase if os.path.exists('%s:' % d)]

然后为每个驱动器创建一个 Button,并将 on_release 绑定到 open_entry() 方法.open_entry() 方法创建一个假的 Entry 并调用 FileChooser open_entry() 方法.

Then creating a Button for each drive, with the on_release bound to an open_entry() method. The open_entry() method creates a fake Entry and calls the FileChooser open_entry() method.
