如何使用按钮退出 Kivy 应用程序

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy


我只是在学习 Python 和 Kivy 框架.我似乎找不到任何能够使用链接到按钮的代码优雅地退出 Kivy 应用程序的具体完整示例.

I'm just learning Python and the Kivy framework. I can't seem to find any specific complete examples of being able to gracefully exit a Kivy app using code linked to a button.

我发现了这样的 Kivy 代码片段

I have found Kivy code snippets like this

    on_press: app.Exit()

但没有实现 app.Exit() 调用的任何匹配代码.我尝试过的所有操作都会停止代码执行,但不会清理程序窗口.

But not any matching code that implements the app.Exit() call. Everything I've tried stops code execution but doesn't clean up the program window.

我已阅读 Android 和 iOS 样式指南声明程序不会以编程方式退出并让操作系统处理它,但我正在开发全屏无边框桌面应用程序,并且需要一种通过按下按钮退出程序的方法.

I've read that Android and iOS style guides state that a program is not to programmatically exit and let the OS handle it but I am developing fullscreen borderless Desktop app and need a way to exit the program with a button press.


尝试使用 App.get_running_app().stop().
有关详细信息,请阅读 Kivy 文档文章为函数.
