Kivy 布局高度以适应子小部件的高度

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy user-interface


我想创建一个布局,其中我有类似于 BoxLayout 的东西,让我能够在我的布局中创建行",并且在每个行"中我想使用另一种 BoxLayout 中的东西来创建列".

I want to create a layout where I have something similar to a BoxLayout to give me the ability to create "rows" in my layout, and in each "row" I want to use something in the sorts of another BoxLayout to create "columns".

列不需要均匀分布.例如,我想创建一个 BoxLayout,其中一列是方形图像,另一列占据剩余的可用宽度.

The columns don't need to be evenly distributed. For example, I want to create a BoxLayout with one column with a square image, and another occupying the rest of the available width.

在我的 gist 上查看代码和屏幕截图:

See code and screenshot on my gist:

我已经在上面的代码中完成了基本结构,但除此之外,我希望 BoxLayout 的高度适应孩子的高度.

I have the basic structure done in the code above, but in addition, I want the BoxLayout's height to adapt to the height of the children.


What would be the best approach to achieve this?



不要使用 BoxLayout,使用 height: self.minimum_height 的 GridLayout,并手动设置尺寸(每个子小部件的 size_hint_y: Noneheight: some_number).

Don't use a BoxLayout, use a GridLayout with height: self.minimum_height, and set a manual size (size_hint_y: None and height: some_number) for each child widget.
