是否可以在 Kivy 应用程序中读取多个 .kv 文件?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy



I realize the short answer may be 'no,' but perhaps this is worth asking again.

如果我知道一个有几千行的 Kivy 应用程序 - 那么是否可以在另一个 kv 文件中编写一些类?

If I am witting a Kivy app with a couple thousand of lines - then would it be possible to write some classes in another kv file?


This would make it so much easier to edit, correct errors, make changes... etc.

澄清一下 - .KV 文件将是彼此的延续 - 不指向并行应用程序.

Just to clarify - the .KV files would be a continuation of each other - not pointing to a parallel app.

我们将不胜感激一些专家的见解 - 谢谢.

Some expert insight would be greatly appreciated - Thank you.


是的!您可以像普通的 python 文件一样在文件中导入 .kv 文件,方法是:

Yes it is! You can import .kv files inside files just like normal python files by starting with:

#:include otherfile.kv


If you want the file to unload and reload first you can force the import typing

#:include force otherfile.kv


所有这些都写在 Kivy 语言文档中,其中充满了有用澄清.

All this as written in the Kivy Language Documentation which is full of useful clarifications.
