ScrollView 小部件在 kivy 中不滚动

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy


我在尝试使动态生成的标签堆栈可滚动时遇到一些问题.我可能误解了应该使用 ScrollView 的方式,所以我希望有人可以为我澄清一下.下面的代码从一个csv中读取一堆数据,当那个代码显示出来的时候,如果有很多数据,程序基本上会尝试把所有的text/Labels压缩到GridLayout中.我希望数据可以滚动.这是代码的抽象版本:

I'm having some issues using the ScollView Widget in an attempt to make a dynamically-generated stack of labels scrollable. It's possible that I'm misunderstanding the way ScrollView should be utilized, so I'm hoping somebody could clarify it for me. The following code reads a bunch of data from a csv, and when that code is displayed, if there is a lot of data, the program will basically try to compress all the text/Labels into the GridLayout. I'd like the data to be scrollable. Here's an abstracted version of the code:

class showData(Screen):
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
    super(showData, self).__init__(**kwargs)

    self.my_data = read_csv_to_dict()
    self.data_exists = 0 if len(self.my_data) == 0 else 1 

    ### Create Widgets ###      
    layout_main = BoxLayout(orientation = 'vertical')
    layout_back_button = BoxLayout(padding = [0, 0, 0, 20])
    self.layout_data = GridLayout(cols = 3 if self.data_exists else 1)  
    self.scrollview_data = ScrollView()

    button_back = Button(text = 'Main menu')

    ### Add widgets ###


    if self.data_exists:
        self.layout_data.add_widget(Label(text = 'label 1'))
        self.layout_data.add_widget(Label(text = 'label 2'))
        self.layout_data.add_widget(Label(text = 'label 3'))
        self.scrollview_data.add_widget(Label(text = 'Records are empty'))

    ### Create button bindings ###
    button_back.bind(on_press = switch_screen_to_main)      

def display_data(obj, self):

    data_dictReader = read_csv_to_dictReader()

    for data_row in data_dictReader:
        for value in data_row.values():
            self.layout_data.add_widget( Label( text = value))

GridLayout/data 不可滚动.有人可以告诉我如何修复上面的代码以使其可滚动吗?谢谢你.

The GridLayout/data is not scrollable. Can someone tell me how to fix the code above to make it scrollable? Thank you.


你不见了 Kivy 文档中的一些内容 在您的 GridLayout 上.它们是确保 GridLayout 大到可以滚动"的必要条件:

You are missing a few things from the Kivy Documentation on your GridLayout. They are necessary to make sure that the GridLayout is "big enough to scroll":

  1. 您必须确保将 size_hint_y 设置为 None,因为在这种情况下默认的 1 不方便
  2. GridLayoutminimum_height绑定到layout.setter('height').
  3. 确保 ScrollView 具有适合滚动的大小
  1. You got to be sure that you set the size_hint_y to None, because the default 1 is not convenient in this case
  2. Bind the minimum_height of the GridLayout to layout.setter('height').
  3. Be sure that the ScrollView has the right size to accommodate the scroll


This example is pretty much what you find in the documentation:

from import App
from kivy.uix.scrollview import ScrollView
from kivy.uix.gridlayout import GridLayout
from kivy.uix.button import Button

class Example(App):

    def build(self):
        layout = GridLayout(cols=1, spacing=10, size_hint_y=None)
        # Make sure the height is such that there is something to scroll.
        for i in range(30):
            btn = Button(text=str(i), size_hint_y=None, height=40)
        root = ScrollView()
        return root

if __name__ == '__main__':

在本例中,ScrollViewWindow 的大小,但您可以使用 size_hintsize 属性.

In this example, the ScrollView is the size of the Window but you can manipulate it with the size_hint and size properties.
