您如何使用 kivy 检查键盘事件?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python kivy keyboard-events


所以,不久前,我开始自学 kivy.我从主要的 kivy 网站开始,浏览了它的 pong 制作教程,完成后我决定尝试给它关键输入.我似乎找不到任何关于 kivy 键输入的指南!任何人都知道某种教程或可以提供一些易于理解的代码?我确实在 kivy 的示例文件夹中查看了键盘侦听器,但如果我应该使用它,我不太确定如何使用它.

So, awhile ago, I started teaching myself kivy. I started with the main kivy website and went through its pong making tutorial and upon finishing that I decided to try and give it key input. I just can't seem to find any kind of guide to key input with kivy! Anyone know some kind of tutorial or can provide some easy to understand code? I did look at the Keyboard Listener in the examples folder of kivy, but I'm not quite sure how to use that if I'm supposed to.



我猜你在问如何用键盘控制桨.我假设您的计算机上运行了最终的乒乓球代码(如果没有,您可以在 本节).

I guess you are asking how to control the paddles with the keyboard. I assume you have the final ping pong codes running on your computer (If not, you can find them at the end of this section).

1 - 在 main.py 中导入 Window 类:

1 - In the main.py import the Window class:

from kivy.core.window import Window

2 - 重新定义 PongGame 类的开头,使其如下所示:

2 - Redefine the beginning of the PongGame class so it looks like the following:

class PongGame(Widget):
    ball = ObjectProperty(None)
    player1 = ObjectProperty(None)
    player2 = ObjectProperty(None)

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        super(PongGame, self).__init__(**kwargs)
        self._keyboard = Window.request_keyboard(self._keyboard_closed, self)

    def _keyboard_closed(self):
        self._keyboard = None

    def _on_keyboard_down(self, keyboard, keycode, text, modifiers):
        if keycode[1] == 'w':
            self.player1.center_y += 10
        elif keycode[1] == 's':
            self.player1.center_y -= 10
        elif keycode[1] == 'up':
            self.player2.center_y += 10
        elif keycode[1] == 'down':
            self.player2.center_y -= 10
        return True

瞧!按 ws 为左桨,按 updown 为右桨.

Voilà! Press w and s for the left paddle and up and down for the right paddle.
