获取服务器 discord.py 中的提升次数

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord.py



I am trying to make a server info command and I want it to display the server name, boost count, boost members and some other stuff as well.


Only problem is I have looked at the docs and searched online and I cant find out how to find the boost information.


I dont have any code as Ive not found any code to try and use for myself


Is there any way to get this information?


公会名称 - guild_object.name

提升计数 - guild_object.premium_subscription_count

Boosters,提升服务器的人 - guild_object.premium_subscribers

Boosters, the people who boosted the server - guild_object.premium_subscribers

如果您按照我的假设在命令中执行此操作,请使用 ctx.guild 而不是 guild_object.如需进一步了解,您可以重新阅读文档,因为上述所有信息都在 discord.Guild

If your doing this in a command as I assume, use ctx.guild instead of guild_object. For anything further, you can re-read the docs as all of the above information is in it under the discord.Guild
