根据 UTC 时间制作 discord.py(重写版本)计时器


我想添加一个基于 UTC 时间的计时器来刷新我每天下载的 API 文件.我正在使用 Discord.py 的重写版本.这就是我在下面制作的方式:

I want to add a timer based off of UTC time to refresh my API files that I download daily. I am using the rewrite version of Discord.py. This is how I made it below:

# Updates API files daily
async def clock_timer():
    from datetime import datetime
    import pytz

    datetime_utc = datetime.now(pytz.utc)

    await datetime_utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S") == "03:00:00"
    if datetime_utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S") == "03:00:00":



await datetime_utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S") == "03:00:00" 不是一个有效的语句,你需要做的是获取 time_delta 并一直休眠.

await datetime_utc.strftime("%H:%M:%S") == "03:00:00" is not a valid statement, what you need to do is get the time_delta and sleep till that.

datetime_utc = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
three_am_tmr = datetime_utc.replace(hour=3, minute=0, second=0) + timedelta(days=1)
delta = (three_am_tmr - datetime_utc).total_seconds()
await asyncio.sleep(delta)
#process api here

但是,如果您希望计时器每天执行,您必须使用 discord.py 任务或类似 APS

However if you want the timer to execute daily, you have to use a discord.py task or something like APS

from discord.ext import tasks

async def grab(something):
     #proccess api here

async def waiter():
   datetime_utc = datetime.now(pytz.utc)
   three_am_tmr = datetime_utc.replace(hour=3, minute=0, second=0) + 
   delta = (three_am_tmr - datetime_utc).total_seconds()
   await asyncio.sleep(delta)

#start task in a command


  • 日期时间
  • 任务
