
2022-01-15 00:00:00 python python-3.x discord discord.py


是否有可能获取您知道他们的用户名和区别但与您不在共同服务器中的某人的用户 ID?

Is it possible to get someone's user ID who you know their username and discrim, but is not in a mutual server with you?




I don't think so. It makes sense since this can easily be abused. Imagine all the spam bots if bots can see all discord users.

以下是使用 discord.py 获取用户信息的两种方法,但请注意,它们不能按您的要求使用.

Below are two ways to get user info using discord.py, but note that they cannot be used as you ask.

client.get_user_info 可用于获取用户信息,即使您不共享服务器,但它以唯一 ID 作为参数.

client.get_user_info can be used to get user info even if you don't share a server, but it takes the unique ID as an argument.

server.get_member_named 返回唯一的用户 ID,并将用户名和可选的鉴别符作为输入,但要求您与用户共享服务器/公会才能工作.

server.get_member_named returns the unique user ID and takes username plus the optional discriminator as input, but requires that you share server/guild with the user to work.
