Discord.py 拼写检查命令
最近,我查看了 Stack Overflow,发现了这段代码可以检查潜在的拼写错误:
Recently, I looked up Stack Overflow and found this code which can check for potential typos:
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
SequenceMatcher(None, "help", "hepl").ratio()
# Returns 0.75
这适用于 inside bot 命令的代码.但是,我应该如何做到这一点,如果我在命令名称中打错字,它会更正并执行命令?
This works for code inside the bot command. However, how should I make it so, if I make a typo in the command name, it will correct it and execute the command?
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
if not isinstance(error, commands.CommandNotFound):
message = ctx.message # later overwrite the attributes
used_prefix = ctx.prefix # the prefix used
used_command = message.content.split()[0][len(used_prefix):] # getting the command, `!foo a b c` -> `foo`
available_commands = [cmd.name for cmd in bot.commands]
matches = { # command name: ratio
cmd: SequenceMatcher(None, cmd, used_command).ratio()
for cmd in available_commands
command = max(matches.items(), key=lambda item: item[1])[0] # the most similar command
arguments = message.content.split(" ", 1)[1]
except IndexError:
arguments = "" # command didn't take any arguments
new_content = f"{used_prefix}{command} {arguments}".strip()
message.content = new_content # overwriting the "original" message
await bot.process_commands(message) # processing commands with the new, updated message