如何使用 discord.py 按 ID 删除特定消息

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord.py


我正在尝试使用它的 ID 删除一条消息.我正在使用 discord.py.

I am trying to delete a message using it's ID. I am using discord.py.


用户发送命令.示例:!message hi
Bot 使用用户的消息 ID 删除!message hi"

User sends command. example: !message hi
Bot deletes "!message hi" using User's message ID
Bot says "hi"

我已经知道如何让它复制我的消息,但我很难让它删除它们.我不想说它会在消息成为之前删除消息,否则在繁忙的服务器上它可能无法正常工作.我想获取命令消息的 ID,然后使用它的 ID 将其删除.

I have figured out how to get it to copy my messages, but I am having difficulty getting it to delete them. I didn't want to say that it deletes the message before it's one otherwise on busy servers it might not work. I wanted to get the command message's ID then delete it using it's ID.


更新为 discord.py v1.2+

您应该使用 TextChannel.fetch_message 函数.

msg = await channel.fetch_message(message_id)
await msg.delete()


要回答这个问题:要按 ID 删除消息,您必须获取消息对象(首选)或通过 client.http(非首选)

您可以使用 Client.get_message 函数

You can use the Client.get_message function

msg = await client.get_message(channel, message_id)

或者,您的特定用例似乎只是删除已发送的消息,因此您可以只使用 on_message(msg)

Alternately, your specific use case seems to just be deleting the message that was sent, so you could just use the message supplied by on_message(msg)
After you have the message, you can do:

await client.delete_message(msg)


假设你知道频道的 ID,你可以简单地调用

Second option: Using client.http

Assuming you know the channel's ID, you can simply call

await client.http.delete_message(channel_id, message_id)


This method while useful for deleting arbitrary messages in arbitrary places shouldn't be used if getting the message is feasably an option.
