使用机器人 Discord.py 授予和删除角色


如何在 Discord.py 中创建一个机器人,该机器人将分配 role.json 文件中存在的角色,同时使用相同的命令来删除和添加相同的角色.例如,?role 将添加和删除角色,具体取决于用户是否分配了角色.我对如何实现这一点有点困惑.

How do I make a bot in Discord.py that will assign roles present in a role.json file, while using the same command to both remove and add the same role. For example, ?role <rolename> will both add and remove a role, depending on if the user has the role assigned. I'm a bit confused on how to achieve this.

我当前的机器人使用 ?roleadd <rolename> ?roleremove <rolename>.

My current bot uses ?roleadd <rolename> ?roleremove <rolename>.


我不确定你的 role.json 文件在哪里发挥作用,但我将如何实现这样的命令

I'm not sure where your role.json file comes into play, but here's how I would implement such a command

async def _role(ctx, role: discord.Role):
    if role in ctx.author.roles:
        await ctx.author.remove_roles(role)
        await ctx.author.add_roles(role)

这使用 Role 转换器 自动从 role 对象的名称、id 或提及中解析.

This uses the Role converter to automatically resolve the role object from its name, id, or mention.
