discord.py “wait_for"命令中的反应

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord.py



I have already written a command. When you execute this command, the bot sends a message to a specific channel. He adds a reaction to this message (an embed by the way). That goes so far. But now, when someone clicks on this reaction, I wanted the bot to respond. In this case, he should send a message to a specific channel. But that doesn't work. There is also no error code, which is supposed to mean that it works, only he doesn't send a message.

async def buy(ctx, choice):
    channel = bot.get_channel(705836078082424914)
    user = ctx.message.author
    vcrole1 = get(user.guild.roles, id=703562188224331777)
    messagechannel = ctx.message.channel.id
    if ctx.message.channel.id == 705146663135871106:
        if choice == '1':
            if any(role.id == 703562188224331777 for role in ctx.message.author.roles):
                await user.remove_roles(vcrole1)
                await ctx.send(
                    "not important message")
                messtag1 = await channel.send('not important') 
                await messtag1.delete(delay=None)

                embed = discord.Embed(color=0xe02522, title='not important title', description=
                'not important description')
                embed.set_footer(text='not important text')
                embed.timestamp = datetime.datetime.utcnow()

                mess1 = await channel.send(embed=embed)
                await mess1.add_reaction('<a:check:674039577882918931>')

                def check(reaction, user):

                    return reaction.message == mess1 and str(reaction.emoji) ==  '<a:check:674039577882918931>'

                await bot.wait_for('reaction_add', check=check)
                channeldone = bot.get_channel(705836078082424914)
                await channeldone.send('test')



看起来你的 reaction.message == mess1 条件返回 False,我可以不要把它缩小到为什么会发生这种情况,但如果我这样做了,我会编辑它.

It looks as though your reaction.message == mess1 condition is returning False, and I can't narrow it down as to why that's happening, but I'll edit this if I do.

解决这个问题的一种方法是评估消息的 ID:

A way to overcome this would be to evaluate the IDs of the messages:

return reaction.message.id == mess1.id and str(reaction.emoji) == '<a:check:674039577882918931>'

当机器人做出反应时,这将评估为 True,所以我建议添加另一个条件来检查用户是否做出反应,如果这是您希望用户执行的操作:

And this will evaluate to True when the bot reacts, so I'd recommend adding another condition to check that the user reacted, if that is what you want the user to do:

return .... and user == ctx.author



  • Message.id
  • discord.Member
