如何在没有命令或事件 discord.py 的情况下发送消息

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord discord.py


我正在使用 datetime 文件来打印:现在是早上 7 点,每天早上 7 点.现在因为这超出了命令或事件引用,我不知道如何发送一条不和谐的消息说现在是早上 7 点.只是为了澄清一下,这不是警报,它实际上是针对我的学校服务器的,它会在早上 7 点发送一份我们需要的所有东西的清单.

I am using the datetime file, to print: It's 7 am, every morning at 7. Now because this is outside a command or event reference, I don't know how I would send a message in discord saying It's 7 am. Just for clarification though, this isn't an alarm, it's actually for my school server and It sends out a checklist for everything we need at 7 am.

import datetime
from time import sleep
import discord

time = datetime.datetime.now

while True:
    if time().hour == 7 and time().minute == 0:
        print("Its 7 am")

这是早上 7 点触发警报的原因.我只想知道如何在触发时不和谐地发送消息.

This is what triggers the alarm at 7 am I just want to know how to send a message in discord when this is triggered.


If you need any clarification just ask. Thanks!



You can create a background task that does this and posts a message to the required channel.

您还需要使用 asyncio.sleep() 而不是 time.sleep(),因为后者会阻塞并且可能会冻结和崩溃您的机器人.

You also need to use asyncio.sleep() instead of time.sleep() as the latter is blocking and may freeze and crash your bot.

我还添加了一项检查,以便频道不会在早上 7 点每秒都发送垃圾邮件.

I've also included a check so that the channel isn't spammed every second that it is 7 am.

from discord.ext import commands
import datetime
import asyncio

time = datetime.datetime.now

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!')

async def timer():
    await bot.wait_until_ready()
    channel = bot.get_channel(123456789) # replace with channel ID that you want to send to
    msg_sent = False

    while True:
        if time().hour == 7 and time().minute == 0:
            if not msg_sent:
                await channel.send('Its 7 am')
                msg_sent = True
            msg_sent = False

    await asyncio.sleep(1)

