我怎么做才能让你不能用 echo 命令@everyone

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord bots discord.py


我想添加一种方法,以便您无法使用 echo 命令 ping 角色.我能想到的唯一方法是检查内容"是否以 @ 开头,然后它只会回复一条消息说不,我该怎么做?

I want to add a way so that you cannot ping roles with the echo command. The only way I can think of is to check if 'content' starts with @ then it just responds with a message saying no, how can I do that?

async def echo(ctx, *, content:str):
    await ctx.send(content)
    print("Echo command works")


我们可以在使用 allowed_mentions 发送的消息中控制 ping,

We can control pings in a message we send with allowed_mentions,

allowed_mentions = discord.AllowedMentions(everyone=False) 
await ctx.send(content, allowed_mentions=allowed_mentions)

这将成功发送回声,即使有一个所有人 ping,但不会 ping 所有人.如果您想回复用户说No,我们必须检查提及并回复.

This will successfully send the echo, even if there is an everyone ping, but will not ping everyone. If you want to reply to the user saying No, we have to check for mentions and reply.

mentions = ctx.message.role_mentions
if any([mention.is_default() for mention in mentions]): # there is an everyone mention
    return await ctx.send('No')
    # do stuff


  • Messagable.发送
  • AllowedMentions李>
  • 消息.角色提及
  • is_default
