
2022-01-15 00:00:00 python python-3.x discord discord.py



Basically if you say something that's not a swear word but then edit the message into a swear word, the bot will not detect it. How do I fix this? Here's my code:

async def on_message(message):
    if message.author.bot:
    for badword in file:
        if badword in message.content.lower():
            await message.delete()
            warnMessage = f"Hey {message.author.mention}! Don't say that!"
            await message.channel.send(warnMessage, delete_after=5.0)
            print(f"{message.author.name} tried saying: {badword}")
            channel = client.get_channel(836232733126426666)
            embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Someone tried to swear!", colour=0x2D2D2D)
            embed.add_field(name="Person who tried to swear:", value=f"{message.author.name}", inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="What they tried to say:", value=f"{badword}", inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="Channel they tried to swear in:", value=f"<#{message.channel.id}>", inline=False)
            await channel.send(embed=embed)
            await client.process_commands(message)
    if message.content.startswith('Jason derulo'):
        await message.channel.send('Wiggle wiggle wiggle')
    if message.content.startswith('fast'):
        await message.channel.send('She a runner she a track star')
    await client.process_commands(message)


您可以为此使用 on_message_edit 事件,并使用您在 on_message 事件(只要记住使用 after 参数而不是 message)

You can use the on_message_edit event for that and use the same logic you're using in the on_message event (just remember to use the after arg instead of message)

async def on_message_edit(before, after):
    for badword in file:
        if badword in after.content.lower():
            await after.delete()
            warnMessage = f"Hey {after.author.mention}! Don't say that!"
            await after.channel.send(warnMessage, delete_after=5.0)
            print(f"{message.author.name} tried saying: {badword}")
            channel = client.get_channel(836232733126426666)
            embed = discord.Embed(title=f"Someone tried to swear!", colour=0x2D2D2D)
            embed.add_field(name="Person who tried to swear:", value=f"{message.author.name}", inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="What they tried to say:", value=f"{badword}", inline=False)
            embed.add_field(name="Channel they tried to swear in:", value=f"<#{message.channel.id}>", inline=False)
            return await channel.send(embed=embed)


  • on_message_edit
