Discord.py - 如何制作特定于角色的命令?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python python-3.x discord discord.py


我需要制定一个只能由具有特定角色的人执行的命令.我在 google 和 youtube 上四处搜索以找到答案,但一无所获

I need to make a command that can only be executed by someone that has a certain role. I searched around on google and youtube to find a answer but came up with nothing


您可以在命令上添加一个装饰器,以将其限制为仅具有特定角色或权限的成员.它的文档是 这里.它看起来像这样:

You can add a decorator on the command to restrict it to only members with specific roles or permissions. The documentation for it is here. It would look like this:

async def command_name():

请记住,您传递的 RoleName 字符串区分大小写.

Keep in mind that the RoleName string you pass is case sensitive.
