Python - 是否可以在 中等待一个事件或另一个事件?


是否有任何使用 wait_for 以等待 reaction_addreaction_remove 的方式?

Is there any to use wait_for in such a way that it will wait for either reaction_add or reaction_remove?

我已经看到有 on_reaction_addon_reaction_remove 函数,但我想要一种没有这些的方法.

I've seen that there are on_reaction_add and on_reaction_remove functions, but I would like a way to do it without those.


reaction,user=await bot.wait_for('reaction_add/reaction_remove',check=check)


由于这看起来是在使用 asyncio 工具,所以使用内置插件.只需为每个任务创建一个任务,然后使用 asyncio.wait 等待第一个触发:

Since this looks to be using asyncio facilities, use the built-ins. Just create a task for each, then use asyncio.wait to wait for the first one to fire:

pending_tasks = [bot.wait_for('reaction_add',check=check),
done_tasks, pending_tasks = await asyncio.wait(pending_tasks, return_when=asyncio.FIRST_COMPLETED)

当其中一项任务完成时,这将返回,并且满足的任务将出现在 done_tasks 集中.如果您在其中一个任务完成后不再对其他任务感兴趣,您可以继续取消其他任务,例如:

When one of the tasks completes, this will return, and the task which was satisfied will appear in the done_tasks set. If you're no longer interested in other tasks once one of them completes, you can go ahead and cancel the others, e.g.:

for task in pending_tasks:
