如何让我的 discord.py 重写机器人向消息作者发送私人消息


我为游戏的 Discord 服务器制作了一个 Discord 机器人.我正在使用 discord.py 重写版本,我想向消息的作者发送私信.

I have made a Discord bot for a game's Discord server. I'm using the discord.py rewrite version and I want to send a private message to the author of the message.


I've tried other codes on the internet which includes some "@bot" code, but it always comes up with the error


"Name 'bot' is not defined"

如果我尝试 send_message 它会说

and if I try send_message it says


"Client object has no attribute 'send_message'"


#I've tried this...

async def poke(ctx, message):
    await client.send_message(ctx.message.author, 'boop')

#but it comes up with the error "Name 'bot' is not defined" and stuff like that


For example, I want to create a command "!messageme", and if a user executes the command I expect the bot to private message the author of the message saying "Just messaged you!".

如果 Pierce#9255 在服务器中执行命令,机器人应该私信他说刚刚给你发了消息!".

If Pierce#9255 executes the command in the server, the bot should private message him saying "Just messaged you!".



Did you define your bot variable? If not then do this:

bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix='!') # Just add your desired prefix there.

# sending dm
async def poke(ctx):
    await ctx.author.send('boop!')

另外,如果你仍然感到困惑,那么试试这个 yt 教程:-NiByO6h7Ck

Also, if you still confused then just give this yt tutorial a try: -NiByO6h7Ck
