如何让我的 Python discord 机器人在加入时赋予角色?

2022-01-15 00:00:00 python discord discord.py



I have a bot that I'm trying to make better. It's called moderator bot and I'm working on adding new commands. I just can't find the code anywhere.


How do I get moderator bot to give user roles when they join the server. And how do I make it configurable by the server owner so that the bot can be used over different servers?

我还希望它 DM 所有者命令,以便他们可以看到它以及只有所有者设置的角色才能访问该命令.

I also want it to DM the owner commands so they can see it along with only owner-set roles being able to access that command.


It sounds advanced and probably is, but can someone out there write the code for me or tell me how to make that?


1) 要让bot在成员加入时赋予角色,你需要有add_roles() 在您的 on_member_join 事件中.这可以通过

1) To make the bot give a member a role when they join, you need to have add_roles() in your on_member_join event. This can be accomplished with

async def on_member_join(member):
    role = discord.utils.get(member.server.roles, id="<role ID>")
    await bot.add_roles(member, role)

2) 要为每个服务器自定义角色,您需要一些文件来保存服务器 ID,以及在用户加入时提供的角色 ID(我个人会使用.db 文件和 sqlite3 从 python 编辑它,但你可以做任何你想做的事).您还需要稍微编辑我给出的 on_member_join 示例,以根据文件中的 member.server.id 选择角色 id,并在 on_member_join 中使用角色 id代码>discord.utils.get()

2) To have the role be customized for each server, you would need some file to hold the server id, and the role id to be given when the user joins (I personally would use a .db file, and sqlite3 to edit it from python, but you can do whatever you want). You would also need to slightly edit the on_member_join example I gave to select the role id based on the member.server.id from the file, and use the role id in discord.utils.get()

3) 要让机器人 DM任何人 获得默认帮助消息,请将 pm_help=True 添加到您的 Bot()参数.要将您的部分命令发送给普通用户并仅发送给所有者,您需要创建一个新的帮助命令.为此,您需要在代码顶部附近添加 bot.remove_command('help'),然后创建一个名为 help 的命令.然后,要将命令仅发送给所有者,请添加

3) To have the bot DM anyone the default help messages, add pm_help=True to your Bot() parameters. To have part of your commands the average user and all sent to only the owner, you will need to make a new help command. To do this, you will need to add bot.remove_command('help') near the top of your code, and then create a command called help. Then, to have commands only sent to the owner, add

if ctx.message.author.id == ctx.message.server.owner.id:
    await bot.send_message(ctx.message.author, <help message>)


