删除“找不到命令"错误 discord.py


在 discord.py rewrite bot 中,如果有人键入 bots 前缀,然后是其后的任何文本,如果没有找到该文本作为命令,您将得到

In a discord.py rewrite bot, if someone types the bots prefix and then any text after it, if the text is not found as a command you will get

Ignoring exception in command None:
discord.ext.commands.errors.CommandNotFound: Command "sd" is not found


Is there anyway to stop the bot from logging this?


写一个 on_command_error 错误处理程序,检查错误是否是 CommandNotFound 的实例,如果是则忽略它

Write an on_command_error error handler that checks if the error is an instance of CommandNotFound, and ignores it if it is

from discord.ext.commands import CommandNotFound

async def on_command_error(ctx, error):
    if isinstance(error, CommandNotFound):
    raise error
