从 python 调试器将变量保存到交互式命名空间

2022-01-14 00:00:00 python debugging namespaces


当我在交互式会话中运行时(在我的例子中是 ipython),并且当前在调试器中(ipdbpdb)我希望能够从调试命名空间中将变量放入主交互式命名空间.

When I am running inside an interactive session (in my case ipython), and am currently inside a debugger (ipdb or pdb) I would like to be able to put a variable into the main interactive namespace from within the debugging namespace.


This is useful if my code crashes, but has already done significant work, some of which is salvageable to save time (for example, loading data from disk).


so what I'd like is something like this, for example:

>>> run -m my.module
loading data from disk...
done loading data.
processing data...
IndexError                                Traceback (most recent call last)

-> 这里在处理过程中出了点问题,但是数据的加载工作正常......所以我会进入调试器检查发生了什么,并查看 loaded_data:

-> here something goes wrong during processing, but the loading of data worked fine... so I'd go into the debugger to check out what happened, and to see the loaded_data:

>>> debug
ipdb> len(loaded_data)

-> 然后我希望能够将此变量保存到交互式命名空间中,以便在调试器外部使用,如下所示:

-> Then I would like to be able to save this variable to the interactive namespace for use outside the debugger, like so:

ipdb> save_to_interactive('loaded_data')
ipdb> exit
>>> len(loaded_data)



You can accomplish this by getting a reference to the outer interpreter's stack frame, and writing to its frame globals.

给定一个带有断点的示例模块,将我们踢到 pdb:

Given a sample module with a breakpoint that kicks us into pdb:


def fun(arg):
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    print arg


    >>> import my_module
    >>> my_module.fun(1)
    > /Users/lukasgraf/src/stackoverflow/my_module.py(3)fun()
    -> print arg
    (Pdb) import sys
    (Pdb) sys._getframe(0)
    <frame object at 0x1032ab290>
    # this is the current frame

    (Pdb) sys._getframe(0).f_globals['__name__']

    # Next outer frame
    (Pdb) sys._getframe(1).f_globals['__name__']

    # etc...

    # In this example, frame 10 happens to be
    # the one from the outer interpreter
    (Pdb) sys._getframe(10).f_globals['__name__']

所以这里有一个快速而肮脏的函数,它在堆栈中查找 '__name__',在帧全局变量中具有 '__main__' 的值:

So here's a quick and dirty function that walks up the stack looking for '__name__' with a value of '__main__' in frame globals:


import sys

# Be safe and define a maximum of frames we're trying to walk up

def save_to_interactive(dct):
    n = 0
    # Walk up the stack looking for '__name__'
    # with a value of '__main__' in frame globals
    for n in range(MAX_FRAMES):
        cur_frame = sys._getframe(n)
        name = cur_frame.f_globals.get('__name__')
        if name == '__main__':
            # Yay - we're in the stack frame of the interactive interpreter!
            # So we update its frame globals with the dict containing our data


>>> import my_module
>>> my_module.fun('foo')
> /Users/lukasgraf/src/stackoverflow/my_module.py(3)fun()
-> print arg
(Pdb) import debughelper
(Pdb) debughelper.save_to_interactive({'mykey': 42})
(Pdb) c
# We continued PDB, so we're in the outer interpreter again
>>> print mykey
