PgSQL · 应用案例 · 什么情况下可能表膨胀

2020-09-01 00:00:00 事务 记录 回收 垃圾 膨胀


PostgreSQL heap TABLE AM引擎,使用多版本来解决快照问题,版本处于当前数据文件中,有垃圾回收进程进行回收,那么哪些垃圾不能被回收呢?

heap或INDEX的膨胀有些时候并不是因为回收慢,而是有些是无法被回收的垃圾,通常被称为膨胀点。本文对膨胀点进行逐一解释(回收慢不解释,可能: worker太少,io太差,worker睡眠太长或频繁,vacuum mem太少放不下所有垃圾行CTID导致多次扫描索引,launcher唤醒周期太长,表太大未支持并行垃圾回收, …)。
除了snapshot too old以外,12新增AM例如zedstore, zheap将彻底解决heap的垃圾版本带来的膨胀问题。

全局catalog 膨胀点

postgres=# select relname from pg_class   where reltablespace in   (select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname='pg_global')   and relkind='r';            relname          -----------------------   pg_authid   pg_subscription   pg_database   pg_db_role_setting   pg_tablespace   pg_pltemplate   pg_auth_members   pg_shdepend   pg_shdescription   pg_replication_origin   pg_shseclabel  (11 rows)


2、SLOT catalog_xmin后产生的垃圾记录
4、备库开启了feedback后,备库中老事务快照(包括catalog_xmin, global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录


1、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL, 慢/dead slot),
2、慢/dead slot(catalog_xmin, 影响catalog垃圾回收),
3、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
4、整个实例中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,

库级catalog 膨胀点

postgres=#   select relname from pg_class where relkind='r'   and relnamespace ='pg_catalog'::regnamespace   except   select relname from pg_class where reltablespace in   (select oid from pg_tablespace where spcname = 'pg_global')   and relkind='r';
relname ------------------------- pg_language pg_sequence pg_largeobject pg_policy pg_ts_template pg_attrdef pg_operator pg_ts_parser pg_depend pg_attribute pg_ts_config pg_conversion pg_inherits pg_subscription_rel pg_publication pg_foreign_table pg_largeobject_metadata pg_ts_dict pg_statistic pg_init_privs pg_opfamily pg_type pg_am pg_default_acl pg_proc pg_index pg_rewrite pg_statistic_ext pg_constraint pg_opclass pg_partitioned_table pg_namespace pg_trigger pg_enum pg_amop pg_event_trigger pg_collation pg_foreign_server pg_foreign_data_wrapper pg_user_mapping pg_description pg_cast pg_publication_rel pg_aggregate pg_transform pg_extension pg_class pg_seclabel pg_amproc pg_range pg_ts_config_map (51 rows)


3、备库开启了feedback后,备库返回的老事务快照(包括catalog_xmin, global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录
4、SLOT catalog_xmin后产生的垃圾记录(create table, drop table, pg_class, pg_att等)。影响全局(所有DB)


1、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL, 慢/dead slot),
2、慢/dead slot(catalog_xmin, 影响catalog垃圾回收),
3、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
4、当前数据库中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,

普通对象 膨胀点



3、备库开启了feedback后,备库返回的老事务快照(仅指 global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录。(catalog xmin无影响)


1、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL),
2、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
3、当前数据库中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,

WAL文件 膨胀点


哪些WAL不能被回收 或 不能被重复利用?

1、从后一次已正常结束的检查点(检查点开始时刻, 不是结束时刻)开始,所有的REDO文件都不能被回收


1、archive failed ,归档失败
2、user defined archive BUG,用户开启了归档,但是没有正常的将.ready改成.done,使得WAL堆积
3、wal_keep_segments 设置太大,WAL保留过多
5、slot slow(dead) ,包括(physical | logical replication) , restart_lsn 开始的所有WAL文件都要被保留


postgres=# select pg_create_logical_replication_slot('a','test_decoding');   pg_create_logical_replication_slot   ------------------------------------   (a,0/92C9C038)  (1 row)


postgres=# select * from pg_get_replication_slots();   slot_name |    plugin     | slot_type | datoid | temporary | active | active_pid | xmin | catalog_xmin | restart_lsn | confirmed_flush_lsn   -----------+---------------+-----------+--------+-----------+--------+------------+------+--------------+-------------+---------------------   a         | test_decoding | logical   |  13585 | f         | f      |            |      |      1982645 | 0/92C9BFE8  | /92C9C038  (1 row)
postgres=# select pg_xact_commit_timestamp(xmin),pg_xact_commit_timestamp(catalog_xmin) from pg_get_replication_slots();  psql: ERROR:  could not get commit timestamp data  HINT:  Make sure the configuration parameter "track_commit_timestamp" is set.
postgres=# select pg_walfile_name(restart_lsn) from pg_get_replication_slots();       pg_walfile_name        --------------------------   000000010000000000000092  (1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_stat_file('pg_wal/000000010000000000000092'); size | access | modification | change | creation | isdir ----------+------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+----------+------- 16777216 | 2019-06-29 22:56:16+08 | 2019-07-01 09:50:16+08 | 2019-07-01 09:50:16+08 | | f (1 row)
postgres=# select * from pg_ls_waldir() where name='000000010000000000000092'; name | size | modification --------------------------+----------+------------------------ 000000010000000000000092 | 16777216 | 2019-07-01 09:50:16+08 (1 row)
postgres=# create table b(id int);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# insert into b values (1);  INSERT  1
postgres=# select * from pg_logical_slot_get_changes('a',pg_current_wal_lsn(),1);      lsn     |   xid   |      data        ------------+---------+----------------   /92C9C0C | 1982645 | BEGIN 1982645   0/92CA4A40 | 1982645 | COMMIT 1982645  (2 rows)
postgres=# select * from pg_logical_slot_get_changes('a',pg_current_wal_lsn(),1); lsn | xid | data ------------+---------+--------------------------------------- /92CA4A78 | 1982646 | BEGIN 1982646 0/92CA4A78 | 1982646 | table public.b: INSERT: id[integer]:1 0/92CA4AE8 | 1982646 | COMMIT 1982646 (3 rows)
postgres=# delete from b;  DELETE 1
8、垃圾回收,正常。本地表垃圾不受slot catalog_xmin影响
postgres=# vacuum verbose b;  psql: INFO:  vacuuming "public.b"  psql: INFO:  "b": removed 1 row versions in 1 pages  psql: INFO:  "b": found 1 removable,  nonremovable row versions in 1 out of 1 pages  DETAIL:   dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 1982648  There were  unused item identifiers.  Skipped  pages due to buffer pins,  frozen pages.   pages are entirely empty.  CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.  psql: INFO:  "b": truncated 1 to  pages  DETAIL:  CPU: user: 0.09 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.09 s  VACUUM
postgres=# create table c (id int);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# drop table c;  DROP TABLE  postgres=# create table c (id int);  CREATE TABLE  postgres=# drop table c;  DROP TABLE
10、垃圾回收catalog,无法回收SLOT后产生的CATALOG垃圾,因为还需要这个CATALOG版本去解析对应WAL的LOGICAL 日志
postgres=# vacuum verbose pg_class;  psql: INFO:  vacuuming "pg_catalog.pg_class"  psql: INFO:  "pg_class": found  removable, 465 nonremovable row versions in 13 out of 13 pages  DETAIL:  2 dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 1982646  There were 111 unused item identifiers.  Skipped  pages due to buffer pins,  frozen pages.   pages are entirely empty.  CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.  VACUUM
catalog 受影响
postgres=# vacuum verbose pg_attribute ;  psql: INFO:  vacuuming "pg_catalog.pg_attribute"  psql: INFO:  "pg_attribute": found  removable, 293 nonremovable row versions in 6 out of 62 pages  DETAIL:  14 dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 1982646  There were 55 unused item identifiers.  Skipped  pages due to buffer pins, 55 frozen pages.   pages are entirely empty.  CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.  VACUUM

postgres=# begin;  BEGIN  postgres=# delete from a;  DELETE 1
db1=# create table b(id int);  CREATE TABLE  db1=# insert into b values (1);  INSERT  1  db1=# delete from b;  DELETE 1  db1=# vacuum verbose b;  psql: INFO:  vacuuming "public.b"  psql: INFO:  "b": removed 1 row versions in 1 pages  psql: INFO:  "b": found 1 removable,  nonremovable row versions in 1 out of 1 pages  DETAIL:   dead row versions cannot be removed yet, oldest xmin: 1982671  There were  unused item identifiers.  Skipped  pages due to buffer pins,  frozen pages.   pages are entirely empty.  CPU: user: 0.00 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.00 s.  psql: INFO:  "b": truncated 1 to  pages  DETAIL:  CPU: user: 0.09 s, system: 0.00 s, elapsed: 0.09 s  VACUUM


1 全局catalog 膨胀点


3、SLOT catalog_xmin后产生的垃圾记录
4、备库开启了feedback后,备库中老事务快照(包括catalog_xmin, global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录


1、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
2、整个实例中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,
3、慢/dead slot(catalog_xmin, 影响catalog垃圾回收),
4、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL, 慢/dead slot),

2 库级catalog 膨胀点


3、备库开启了feedback后,备库返回的老事务快照(包括catalog_xmin, global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录
4、SLOT catalog_xmin后产生的垃圾记录(create table, drop table, pg_class, pg_att等)。影响全局(所有DB)


1、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
2、当前数据库中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,
3、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL, 慢/dead slot),
4、慢/dead slot(catalog_xmin, 影响catalog垃圾回收),

普通对象 膨胀点



3、备库开启了feedback后,备库返回的老事务快照(仅指 global xmin)之后产生的垃圾记录。(catalog xmin无影响)


1、vacuum_defer_cleanup_age 设置太大
2、当前数据库中的 : 长事务, 慢SQL, 慢2pc,
3、standby 开启了 feedback (且standby有慢事务, LONG SQL),

WAL文件 膨胀点


哪些WAL不能被回收 或 不能被重复利用?

1、从后一次已正常结束的检查点(检查点开始时刻, 不是结束时刻)开始,所有的REDO文件都不能被回收


1、archive failed ,归档失败
2、user defined archive BUG,用户开启了归档,但是没有正常的将.ready改成.done,使得WAL堆积
3、wal_keep_segments 设置太大,WAL保留过多
5、slot slow(dead) ,包括(physical | logical replication) , restart_lsn 开始的所有WAL文件都要被保留


switch (HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(&tuple, OldestXmin, buf))  {    case HEAPTUPLE_DEAD:
/* * Ordinarily, DEAD tuples would have been removed by * heap_page_prune(), but it's possible that the tuple * state changed since heap_page_prune() looked. In * particular an INSERT_IN_PROGRESS tuple could have * changed to DEAD if the inserter aborted. So this * cannot be considered an error condition. * * If the tuple is HOT-updated then it must only be * removed by a prune operation; so we keep it just as if * it were RECENTLY_DEAD. Also, if it's a heap-only * tuple, we choose to keep it, because it'll be a lot * cheaper to get rid of it in the next pruning pass than * to treat it like an indexed tuple. Finally, if index * cleanup is disabled, the second heap pass will not * execute, and the tuple will not get removed, so we must * treat it like any other dead tuple that we choose to * keep. * * If this were to happen for a tuple that actually needed * to be deleted, we'd be in trouble, because it'd * possibly leave a tuple below the relation's xmin * horizon alive. heap_prepare_freeze_tuple() is prepared * to detect that case and abort the transaction, * preventing corruption. */ if (HeapTupleIsHotUpdated(&tuple) || HeapTupleIsHeapOnly(&tuple) || params->index_cleanup == VACOPT_TERNARY_DISABLED) nkeep += 1; else tupgone = true; /* we can delete the tuple */ all_visible = false; break;
/* * If tuple is recently deleted then we must not remove it * from relation. */ nkeep += 1; all_visible = false; break;
*       HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum()   *                visible to any running transaction, used by VACUUM
/*   * HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum   *   *      Determine the status of tuples for VACUUM purposes.  Here, what   *      we mainly want to know is if a tuple is potentially visible to *any*   *      running transaction.  If so, it can't be removed yet by VACUUM.   *   * OldestXmin is a cutoff XID (obtained from GetOldestXmin()).  Tuples   * deleted by XIDs >= OldestXmin are deemed "recently dead"; they might   * still be visible to some open transaction, so we can't remove them,   * even if we see that the deleting transaction has committed.   */  HTSV_Result  HeapTupleSatisfiesVacuum(HeapTuple htup, TransactionId OldestXmin,                                                   Buffer buffer)  

/* * Deleter committed, but perhaps it was recent enough that some open * transactions could still see the tuple. */ if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(HeapTupleHeaderGetRawXmax(tuple), OldestXmin)) return HEAPTUPLE_RECENTLY_DEAD;

else if (TransactionIdDidCommit(xmax)) { /* * The multixact might still be running due to lockers. If the * updater is below the xid horizon, we have to return DEAD * regardless -- otherwise we could end up with a tuple where the * updater has to be removed due to the horizon, but is not pruned * away. It's not a problem to prune that tuple, because any * remaining lockers will also be present in newer tuple versions. */ if (!TransactionIdPrecedes(xmax, OldestXmin)) return HEAPTUPLE_RECENTLY_DEAD;
Hot Standby feedback message (F)  Byte1('h')  Identifies the message as a Hot Standby feedback message.  
Int64 The client's system clock at the time of transmission, as microseconds since midnight on 2000-01-01.
Int32 The standby's current global xmin, excluding the catalog_xmin from any replication slots. If both this value and the following catalog_xmin are this is treated as a notification that Hot Standby feedback will no longer be sent on this connection. Later non-zero messages may reinitiate the feedback mechanism.
Int32 The epoch of the global xmin xid on the standby.
Int32 The lowest catalog_xmin of any replication slots on the standby. Set to if no catalog_xmin exists on the standby or if hot standby feedback is being disabled.
Int32 The epoch of the catalog_xmin xid on the standby.
