
2023-02-17 00:00:00 查询 分页 行号 学生 每页


写法1:top ... not in ...

    select top 5 * from student -- 查询前5行学生记录

    select * from student

    where s_id not in ('ST001','ST004') -- 查询除了'ST001','ST004'的学号以外的学生记录

    select top 5 * from student -- 页

    where s_id not in (select top 0 s_id from student order by s_id)

    select top 5 * from student -- 第二页

    where s_id not in (select top 5 s_id from student order by s_id)

    select top 5 * from student -- 第三页

    where s_id not in (select top 10 s_id from student order by s_id)

    -- 使用变量:页码 pageIndex , 每页大小 pageSize

    declare @pageIndex int = 1

    declare @pageSize int = 5

    select top (@pageSize) * from student

    where s_id not in (select top ((@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize) s_id from student order by s_id)

    写法2(推荐):row_number() 行号    over(排序列)

      select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by s_id) as 行号, * from student -- 为查询的记录集输出行号

      select * from


      select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by s_id) as num, * from student

      ) t

      where num between 1 and 5 -- 页,从第1行到第5行

      select * from


      select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by s_id) as num, * from student

      ) t

      where num between 6 and 10 -- 第二页,从第6行到第10行

      -- 使用变量:页码 pageIndex2 , 每页大小 pageSize2

      declare @pageIndex2 int = 1

      declare @pageSize2 int = 5

      select * from


      select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by s_id) as num, * from student

      ) t

      where num between ((@pageIndex2 - 1) * @pageSize2 + 1) and (@pageIndex2 * @pageSize2)

      -- 计算公式:从 ((页码-1)*每页大小+1)行 到 (页码 * 每页大小)行

      -- 使用row_number分页查询学生、课程、成绩

      -- 步:连接查询

      select row_number() over(order by a.s_id) as 行号,

      a.s_id as 学号,

      c.c_id as 课程号,

      s_name as 姓名,

      c_name as 课程名称,

      sc_score as 分数

      from student a , score b, course c

      where a.s_id = b.s_id

      and b.c_id = c.c_id

      -- 第二步:分页查询

      select * from


      select row_number() over(order by a.s_id) as 行号,

      a.s_id as 学号,

      c.c_id as 课程号,

      s_name as 姓名,

      c_name as 课程名称,

      sc_score as 分数

      from student a , score b, course c

      where a.s_id = b.s_id

      and b.c_id = c.c_id

      ) t

      where 行号 between 1 and 3

      -- 第三步:分页带条件查询

      select * from


      select row_number() over(order by a.s_id) as 行号,

      a.s_id as 学号,

      c.c_id as 课程号,

      s_name as 姓名,

      c_name as 课程名称,

      sc_score as 分数

      from student a , score b, course c

      where a.s_id = b.s_id

      and b.c_id = c.c_id

      and sc_score > 70 -- 查询条件,成绩>70

      ) t

      where 行号 between 1 and 3



        -- 基本分页存储过程:分页查询每个学生的成绩记录

        create proc sp_scorepage


        @pageIndex int, -- 输入参数:页码

        @pageSize int, -- 输入参数:每页大小(每页多少行)

        @rowcount int output, -- 输出参数:总行数

        @pagecount int output -- 输出参数:总页数




        -- 1 计算总行数:多表查询(学生表、成绩表)结果的总行数,考虑没有参加考试的学生记录都要查询出来,所以用外连接

        select @rowcount = count(*) -- 为总行数设置输出参数结果

        from student a left join score b

        on a.s_id = b.s_id

        -- 2 计算总页数:

        if(@rowcount % @pageSize=0)


        set @pagecount = @rowcount @pageSize -- 为总页数设置输出参数结果




        set @pagecount = @rowcount @pageSize + 1


        -- 3 row_number分页查询:使用外连接查询所有的学生记录

        select * from


        select row_number() over(order by a.s_id) as num, -- 行号

        a.s_id, -- 学号

        s_name, -- 姓名

        isnull(c_name,'未考') as c_name, -- 课程名 (null值要处理)

        isnull(convert(varchar(10),sc_score),'无') as sc_score -- 成绩 (null值处理要注意将数字的分数结果转字符串输出)

        from student a left join score b -- 学生表 与 成绩表 外连接查询,以学生表为主表方向查询所有学生记录

        on a.s_id = b.s_id

        left join course c -- 接着使用外连接课程表

        on b.c_id = c.c_id

        ) t

        where num between ((@pageIndex - 1) * @pageSize+ 1) and (@pageIndex * @pageSize)



        -- 调用过程:sp_scorepage

        DECLARE @rowcount int, -- 声明输出参数

        @pagecount int

        EXEC  [dbo].[sp_scorepage]

        @pageIndex = 1, -- 页码

        @pageSize = 5, -- 每页大小

        @rowcount = @rowcount OUTPUT, -- 总行数

        @pagecount = @pagecount OUTPUT -- 总页数

        SELECT @rowcount as '总行数',

        @pagecount as '总页数'

