2022-06-21 00:00:00 程序 专区 订阅 报错 排查


程序启动时,出现 Runtime error 216 at xxxx 之类的错误信息,开始以为是个例,跟踪代码才发现,从句就报错,因为之前程序是可以正常运行的,所以问题明显与代码无关,排查确定问题出在 DBISAM,测试结果发现,只有一个 DBISAM 组件,程序也报错,Google 后发现无此案例,排查结果与 Windows 的数据保护视图开启有关,关闭问题解决。Windows 中关于 DEP 的描述:
What is Data Execution Prevention?

Data Execution Prevention (DEP) is a security feature that can help prevent damage to your computer from viruses and other security threats. Harmful programs can try to attackWindows by attempting to run (also known as execute) code from your computer's memory reserved for Windows and other authorized programs. These * of attacks can harm your programs and files.

DEP can help protect your computer by monitoring your programs to make sure that they use computer memory safely. If DEP notices a program on your computer using memory incorrectly, it closes the program and notifies you.
