
2022-06-21 00:00:00 用户 数据库 调用 作业 工人


In continuation of my previous article where I’ve detailed on the limitations of goroutines, in this article, I would like to share how we achieved 70 million sets to Aerospike Database in 30 minutes by leveraging the entire system Cores with the help of Go Worker Pool Pattern.

在上一篇文章继续详细介绍goroutine的局限性时,我想在本文的后续内容中,分享在Go Worker的帮助下,如何利用整个系统内核在30分钟内达到Aerospike数据库7000万套的方法。游泳池模式。

Usecase Insights


  • Currently, at GoIbibo we had close to 70 million users and we had a set of categories that each user belongs to. The categories describe if the user is new | fraud |regular transacting user | user who didn’t transact in last year etc and so on …

    目前,在GoIbibo,我们有近7000万用户,并且每个用户都拥有一组类别。 类别描述用户是否是新用户| 欺诈|常规交易用户| 去年未进行交易等的用户...
  • User Categories change dynamically based on their behaviour and we have a generation task where we gather the data from multiple sources and save to our Database with Key as UserID and Value as List of Categories and the generation has to happen for all 70 million users every day.


Database Insights


  • For those who are not aware of Aerospike, it’s a multi-threaded and distributed Key-Value store with storage based out of SSD.

  • We have 3 instances of Aerospike where keys get split and stored across instances with the desired replication factor.


Advantages over Redis


  • This being a multi-threaded Key-Value Store doesn’t block all the requests in case if there is any slow query unlike Redis, that blocks all the requests if 1 request gets slowed down

  • SSD being cheaper than RAM and being a distributed database we always have a chance to horizontally scale, unlike Redis where we need to scale vertically with growing data.




  • This doesn’t support batch set which means if we need to insert 70 million key-value, we need to make 1 call to DB per key which equals 70 million DB Calls.

