当我使用 Windows 键盘键入非 ASCII 字符时,我得到“?"

2022-01-13 00:00:00 python unicode tkinter keyboard


当我使用 Windows 键盘(在语言栏中)键入 非 ASCII 字符时,我会在非 ASCII 字符所在的位置出现问号 ?.

When I type non-ASCII characters using a Windows keyboard (in the language bar), I get question marks ? where the non-ASCII characters should go.

复制和粘贴工作正常,Unicode 字符显示在 Text 小部件中.

Copy-and-paste works fine and the Unicode characters are displayed in the Text widget.

我正在使用 Lakota All-In-One 键盘 找到 这里.此特定键盘列在 US 区域设置下的 Windows 语言栏 中.

I am using the Lakota All-In-One keyboard found here. This particular keyboard is listed in the Windows language bar under the US locale.


TkInter 对特殊字符似乎不太好,尤其是在 Fedora 上.我看过几十个这样的帖子.您最好的选择可能是使用另一个 GUI 库,例如 PyFLTK(我最喜欢的),GTK+ 3(我的第二个最爱),PyQt, PySide, wxPython, Kivy等

TkInter doesn't seem too good with special characters, especially on Fedora. I've seen dozens of posts like this. Your best bet might be to use another GUI library, like PyFLTK(my favorite), GTK+ 3(my second favorite), PyQt, PySide, wxPython, Kivy, etc.
