
2022-05-25 00:00:00 数据库 专区 订阅 安装 邮箱





yum install epel-release

curl -o /etc/yum.repos.d/scylla.repo -L

yum install scylla -y
4、启动scylladb配置,按照提示一步一步回答yes or no


[root@server scylla]# scylla_setup
Skip any of the following steps by answering 'no'
Do you want to run kernel version check?
Answer yes to have this script verify that the currently installed kernel is qualified to run Scylla;
answer no to skip this check.
This is a supported kernel version.
Do you want to verify ScyllaDB packages installed?
Answer yes to have this script check that ScyllaDB is already installed; answer no to skip this check.
Do you want to enable ScyllaDB services?
Answer yes to automatically start Scylla when the node boots; answer no to skip this step.
Do you want to setup NTP?
Answer yes to enable time synchronization at boot time. This keeps time right on the node. Answer no to
do nothing.
Do you want to setup RAID and XFS?
It is recommended to use RAID0 and XFS for Scylla data. If you select yes, you will be prompt to choose which
unmounted disks to use for Scylla data. Selected disks will be formatted in the process.
Are you sure you want to setup RAID and XFS?
If you choose Yes, selected drive will be reformated, erasing existing data in the process.
Do you want to setup coredump?
Answer yes to enable core dumps; this allows to do post-mortem analysis of Scylla state after a crash. Answer
no to do nothing.
kernel.core_pattern = |/usr/lib/systemd/systemd-coredump %p %u %g %s %t %e
Do you want to setup sysconfig?
Answer yes to do system wide configuration customized for Scylla. Answer no to do nothing.
Please select NIC from following list:
docker0 eno1 veth2c42a5a veth86bc926
> eno1
Do you want to optimize NIC queue settings?
Answer yes to enable network card optimization and improve performance. Answer no to skip this optimization.
Setting parameters on /etc/sysconfig/scylla-server
Do you want to setup IO configuration?
Answer yes to let iotune study what are your disks IO profile and adapt Scylla to it. Answer no to skip
this action.
Generating evaluation file sized 10GB...10GB written in 134 seconds

Refining search for maximum. So far, 288 IOPS
Maximum throughput: 288 IOPS
Recommended --max-io-requests: 51
Written the above values to /etc/scylla.d/io.conf
Do you want to install node exporter and export Prometheus data from the node?
Answer yes to install it; answer no to skip this installation.
[YES/no] % Total % Received % Xferd Average Speed Time Time Time Current
Dload Upload Total Spent Left Speed
100 628 0 628 0 0 847 0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:-- 847
100 3925k 100 3925k 0 0 325k 0 0:00:12 0:00:12 --:--:-- 788k
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/node-exporter.service to
node_exporter successfully installed
Do you want to setup CPU scaling governor?
Answer yes to set CPU scaling governor to performance at boot time. Answer no to do nothing.
This computer doesn't supported CPU scaling configuration.
Do you want to enable fstrim service?
Answer yes to run fstrim on your SSD. Answer no to do nothing.
ScyllaDB setup finished.

systemctl start scylla-server


create keyspace domestic with replication = {'class':'SimpleStrategy','replication_factor':2}


注意,这里'class','replication_factor'均是使用的单引号,如果不小心写成了双引号,会报错no viable alternative at input ':'。

可以通过desc命令查看keyspace,table。desc keyspaces 和 desc tables


版权声明:本文为CSDN博主「luffy5459」的原创文章,遵循CC 4.0 BY-SA版权协议,转载请附上原文出处链接及本声明。
