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ITTIA offers an easy to use, scalable, and secure time series database for STM32 devices to process and manage data.


ITTIA embedded database’s modular architecture enables manufactures building systems with STM32 to create highly optimized and reliable systems with low memory footprint and minimum TCO.

Embedded Time Series Database for STM32 MCU & MPUs

ITTIA Database Highlights for STM32 Devices

Process time series data in real time
High performance concurrent read/write on flash media
Distribute embedded data across heterogeneous devices
Robust APIs: web services, C/C++, Python, and more
Developer freedom to remotely access data in browser
Support for standards and strong data type support
Cross-platform: Linux, Windows, RTOS, and more

ITTIA provides database software for STM32 microcontrollers (MCUs) and microprocessors (MPUs). For microcontrollers, ITTIA DB IoT database offers small footprint through a thread-safe embedded C API, while ITTIA DB SQL database provides advanced data management and data processing functionality on microprocessor devices.

ITTIA database enables STM32 device data acquisition, processing, and management. Applications embedded with ITTIA database save bandwidth, experience low latency and high throughput, benefit from security, and stay within data maintenance cost constraints. ITTIA databases are optimized to handle the flood of edge data generated by edge STM32 IoT platforms and empower device manufactures to embed a lean and mean powerful database for computational intelligence into any device. It provides both single-threaded and multi-threaded support, so developers can process data concurrently in multiple threads within a single program.

ITTIA DB IoT, a high-performance embedded database development suite for MCUs, is designed by developers for developers, with ease of use and device constraints in mind. ITTIA DB IoT for MCUs is available for and supports most STM32 32-bit microcontrollers.

ITTIA DB SQL enables manufacturers to silently embed powerful, reliable data management software to securely collect, process, and distribute data in real time for MPUs. The ITTIA DB SQL transaction engine is designed with standards and scalability for ease of development and maintenance. Included utilities and security features provide full database functionality for building next generation products on desired embedded architectures.


ITTIA DB IoT for Microcontrollers

ITTIA DB IoT for MCUs is a time series embedded database for data processing and data management on STM32 devices running real time operating systems (RTOS). It is suitable for device applications that require fast response to process data, such as events and alarms, that both push and pull updates. ITTIA DB IoT offers developers to benefit from their existing database familiarity with traditional database systems. Architected for sensors to process streams of data, it enables devices to separate valuable information from massive raw data by monitoring, collecting, processing, and running embedded continuous queries.

With ITTIA DB IoT high performance embedded database inside, even low-frequency microcontroller devices can ingest tens of thousands of sensor data points per second, directly onto local flash media. With such a fast ingestion rate, embedded IoT systems are able to rapidly monitor, query, and analyze data to identify interesting and alarming information right where it originates. This precision in data processing and management makes ITTIA DB IoT an ideal choice for various markets, including industrial automation, automotive, medical devices, robotics, smart machines, and any market where device manufactures utilize MCUs to build embedded applications.

ITTIA DB SQL for MPUs Architecture

ITTIA DB SQL is designed to provide the most important relational database capabilities to C/C++ STM32 application developers for embedded systems and devices, without requiring complex installation or administration tools. By combining SQL queries with low-level access to tables and indexes, ITTIA DB SQL is both familiar to experienced database application developers and approachable to embedded developers.

ITTIA DB SQL is very efficient and offers both filtering and processing of edge data. One of its advantages is integration of device data processing with data management for edge applications to filter and process data originating from a complex flow of data events. Its special data processing capabilities empower sensors and devices to make sense of every bit of raw data, identify alarming events, and store meaningful information.

With a massive volume of data flowing in real-time, ITTIA DB SQL data processing capabilities enable edge applications to analyze data, perform continuous SQL queries, and configure data distribution. ITTIA DB SQL is scalable to any number of edge devices, so edge applications can capture data flows from multiple sources, analyze data, and emit valuable findings as events. ITTIA DB SQL data management capabilities offer benefits in its modular architecture that enable developers to create highly optimized and reliable systems to store, manage, and distribute data.

ITTIA offers data processing and management database software to support STM32 MCUs and MPUs, so manufacturers can benefit from a verified solution and accelerate time to market. ITTIA provides a complementary session to manufacturers that build intelligent systems with STM32 devices, showing how ITTIA databases will empower their devices to securely monitor, collect, and manage data, and how ITTIA will support them to optimize applications to benefit from an embedded database running on STM32 target boards.

ITTIA supports following STM platforms:

STM32U5 series
STM32WL series
STM32MP series
STM32F7 series
STM32 Mission-critical devices demand increasingly robust data management capability to achieve scalability, safety, integrity, and compatibility. As a result, the complexity and experience required to design, develop, and deploy modern embedded systems is rising. ITTIA consulting services provide STM32 developers comprehensive know-how and experience in device data processing and data management area, enabling them to focus on development of unique, market-driven value.

The ITTIA professional services team offers valuable in-depth experience for database development. Services include:

Analysis of database requirements and project roadmap for STM32
Support in initial proof-of-concept
Assistance in STM32 database schema and query benchmarking
Device query optimization and performance tuning
New database feature development compatible with STM32 devices
Data modeling, database migration, memory, code, and storage overhead analysis
Database port to desired STM32 development platform
