
2022-04-26 00:00:00 数据 时间 的是 流量 画图

一 建立RRD数据库(.rrd文件)

$  rrdtool
RRDtool 1.4.7  Copyright 1997-2012 by Tobias Oetiker <tobi@oetiker.ch>
               Compiled Mar 29 2012 19:18:32

Usage: rrdtool [options] command command_options
Valid commands: create, update, updatev, graph, graphv,  dump, restore,
        last, lastupdate, first, info, fetch, tune,
        resize, xport, flushcached

RRDtool is distributed under the Terms of the GNU General
Public License Version 2. (www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html)

For more information read the RRD manpages
