重置 pandas 时间戳的时间部分

2022-01-13 00:00:00 python pandas datetime timestamp


如何重置 pandas 时间戳的时间部分?

How can I reset the time part of a pandas timestamp?

我想重置 pandas.Timestamp 值中的时间部分.

I want to reset time part in value of pandas.Timestamp.
I guess I can do it using the following procedure.

  • 步骤 1) 时间戳到日期时间类型
  • 第 2 步)日期时间到秒
  • 第 3 步)以秒为单位截断时间部分
  • 第 4 步)将秒数恢复到时间戳


Even if my guess is correct, it takes too long to do. Is there a straightforward way to achieve this goal?

在 [371] 中:ts = pd.Timestamp('2014/11/12 13:35')

In [371]: ts = pd.Timestamp('2014/11/12 13:35')

在 [372] 中:ts

In [372]: ts

输出[372]:时间戳('2014-11-12 13:35:00')

Out[372]: Timestamp('2014-11-12 13:35:00')

在 [373]: ts.hour = 0 # <-- 这就是我想要做的.

In [373]: ts.hour = 0 # <-- this is what I am trying to do.


我想你正在寻找 replace 方法(参见 docs):

I think you are looking for the replace method (see docs):

In [18]: ts
Out[18]: Timestamp('2014-11-12 13:35:00')

In [19]: ts.replace(hour=0)
Out[19]: Timestamp('2014-11-12 00:35:00')



If you want to reset the full time part, you specify all parts in replace:

In [20]: ts.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0)
Out[20]: Timestamp('2014-11-12 00:00:00')

还有一个 DatetimeIndex.normalize 方法,但这在单个时间戳上不可用(我为此打开了一个问题:https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/8794):

There is also a DatetimeIndex.normalize method, but this isn't available on the individual Timestamps (I opened an issue for that: https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/8794):

In [21]: pd.DatetimeIndex([ts]).normalize()[0]
Out[21]: Timestamp('2014-11-12 00:00:00')
