
2022-04-24 00:00:00 设备 事件 指令 租户 关联


Thisdocument describes the components that make up SiteWhere and how theyrelate to each other.



Thefollowing diagram shows the main SiteWhere server components and howthey interact with externalsystems.下图展示了sitewhere服务器组件以及组件怎样与外部系统的交互。


Asshown in the architecture diagram, SiteWhere is composed of manydifferent components that are wired together to provide the coreplatform. In the sections below, we will cover the components thatare global to the system. All tenants share these global settings.



WebApplication Container Web应用容器

SiteWhereis deployed as a Web Application Archive (WAR) file and is designedto run in a web container such as Apache Tomcat. SiteWhere will runon a vanilla version of Apache Tomcat assuming the configurationfiles are copied into the Tomcatconffolder. The configuration files may be altered to change the waySiteWhere processes device events and integrates with externalservices.


SiteWhere採用WAR文件部署,设计在web容器中运行,如apachetomcatSitewhere将在apachetomcat vanilla版本号上运行,tomcat採用的配置文件直接复制到tomcatconf目录。


SiteWhereServer SiteWhere服务器

SiteWhereServer is the central application that controls all of the otherSiteWhere components. It is started automatically from the deployedWAR file and bootstraps using a Spring configuration file located inconf/sitewhere/sitewhere-server.xml. The servermanages the common system components such as user management and theREST services. It also bootstraps one or moretenant engineswhich handle most of the other processing logic.




SiteWhereincludes an HTML5 administrative application that can be used tomanage how the system functions. The information that appears in theapplication is dependent on the login credentials provided and thepermissions associated with that user. By default, a new SiteWhereinstance has a singleadmin user that has allpermissions and is associated with the default tenant.


Someaspects of the system such as users and tenants are managed globally.Changes made to these entities will be reflected across all tenants.Administrative access at this level should be limited since theseusers can create new users and tenants as well as shutting downrunning tenants, deleting existing users and affecting other systemdata across the board.


Mostother aspects of the system are tenant-specific. Each user accountmay be associated with one or more tenants, allowing the user tomanage information for multiple tenants. When logging in to thesystem, if a user is associated with more than one tenant, they areasked to choose which tenant to manage before proceeding. All othersystem data such as sites, device specifications, devices,assignments, etc are managed at a per-tenant level, so most of thedata in the administrative interface depends on the user logged inand which tenant was selected.



Mostof the core functionality related to the SiteWhere APIs is accessibleexternally via REST services. Using the services, an external entitycan create, view, update, or delete entities in the system. Theservices can also interact with subsystems such as asset management.All REST calls are subject to authentication and use Spring Securityto verify that the user is authorized for the operation.




SiteWhereincludes a working version ofSwaggerwhich adds a user interface around the REST services. Using theSwagger interface, you can interactively execute REST calls against arunning SiteWhere server and view the JSON responses. The defaultSwagger URL for a server is:


wheresitewhere.hostname is the hostname of the serverrunning SiteWhere.





Whenstoring and retrieving data, SiteWhere never deals directly with adatabase. Instead, the system defines Service Provider Interfaces(SPIs) for the data operations it needs to operate and expectsdatastore implementations to comply with the required interfaces. Theuser management datastore is configured at the global level and isbased on the following APIs:

IUserManagement:Contains all of the core user management calls including CRUD methodsfor users, authorities, etc.




Whenconfiguring a new SiteWhere server instance, you change settings inthe core Spring configuration file to indicate which type ofdatastore to use for the underlying data implementation. The * ofdatastores currently supported include MongoDB and Apache Hbase.



Hazelcastis an in-memory datagrid designed with high performance in mind. Bydefault, each SiteWhere Server instance also acts as a Hazelcastinstance. In the default global configuration, the Hazelcastconfiguration is loaded from conf/sitewhere/hazelcast.xml.Hazelcast support can be removed by removing the corresponding entryfrom the configuration file.




SiteWherecan use Hazelcast to interactively broadcast event data to otherinterested systems. For example, the SiteWhere plugin for Mule Studiouses Hazelcast to connect to a SiteWhere server instance and pullevents into the bus as they occur. The events can then be processedusing Mule flow logic in order to integrate event data with othercloud systems or perform other asynchronous processing tasks in realtime. Access to Hazelcast clients can be limited by adjusting theSiteWhere server Hazelcast configuration so that, for instance, onlymachines in certain IP ranges can receive the event data.





Mostcomponents of the system are configured at the per-tenant level. Thisallows for clean separation of data and processing logic from onetenant to the next.




SiteWhere(starting with version 1.2.0) is designed as a multitenant systemwhich means that multiple IoT applications can be served from asingle SiteWhere instance. Each system tenant has a separate datastore so data is not intermingled between tenants. Each tenant alsohas a separate processing pipeline that can be customized withoutaffecting the processing of other tenants. When SiteWhere Serverstarts for the first time, a default tenant is created based on thedefault tenant folder found at conf/sitewhere/tenant-template.





Thedefault folder structure including configuration is copied to atenant-specific configuration folder located atconf/sitewhere/tenants/xxx wherexxxis the unique id for the tenant. The tenant configuration file isnamedsitewhere-tenant.xml and is located in theroot of the folder. Making changes to the configuration file for atenant will alter the processing logic for just that tenant. Newtenants can be added from the SiteWhere administrative application.Once created, tenants can be started and stopped dynamically withoutshutting down the entire server. For instance, to make configurationchanges to one tenant, it may be shut down, reconfigured, and broughtback up without affecting other running tenants.


Tenant Datastores

As with global datastores, tenant datastores configure SPI implementations that provide persistence of tenant-level information such as device and asset management. Service provider interfaces implemented include:

IDeviceManagement: Contains all of the core device management calls including CRUD methods for sites, specifications, devices, events, etc.

IAssetManagement: Contains all of the core asset management calls including CRUD methods for asset categories and assets.

Tenant datastores are configured in the conf/sitewhere/xxx-tenant.xml configuration file (where xxx is the tenant id).




IDeviceManagement: 包含了全部核心设备管理调用。包含网站、规格、设备、事件等CRUD增删改查方法操作。

IAssetManagement: 包含了全部核心资产管理调用,包含资产分类和资产的CRUD增删改查方法操作。

租户数据存储配置在 conf/sitewhere/xxx-tenant.xml 文件里。

Communication Engine

The SiteWhere communication engine handles all functionality related to interacting with devices. Its responsibilities include:

Registration of new or existing devices

SiteWhere devices can be created manually with API calls, but it is often preferable to have devices self-register. In that case, the device provides a unique hardware id and a specification token to the system which in turns creates a new device record that can start accepting events. SiteWhere assumes that each device will have a unique id in the system so it can be independently addressed. The specification token passed at startup indicates the type of hardware the device is using and references a device specification that already exists in the system. Devices send a registration event when they boot or connect to the network and SiteWhere either creates a new device record or finds an existing one. SiteWhere returns a response message to the device indicating the registration status.








Receipt of events from connected devices

Once registered with the system, devices can report any number or type of events to SiteWhere, which in turn stores the events. Event * include location updates, sensor measurements and other acquired data, or alerts in response to exceptional events. Devices also have the ability to acknowledge receipt of commands issued by SiteWhere. Events are delivered to SiteWhere via an inbound event pipeline which provides a modular way of introducing new functionality for processing incoming data.

Delivery of commands to connected devices

Each device registered with SiteWhere has an associated device specification which is tied to the type of hardware running on the device. Each device specification has a list of commands that can be executed against devices with that specification. SiteWhere allows any number of commands to be added for a specification and each command can carry any number of arguments. The commands and arguments can be added via the administrative user interface or via REST calls. When commands are executed, they travel through a pipeline that encodes them in an expected format and delivers them across an expected protocol.









The flow of data in the SiteWhere communication engine is shown below:



Asset Modules

SiteWhere assets represent objects in the physical world – people, places, and things. Device specification assets are used to describe the hardware information/configuration for a type of device. Device assignment assets are used to describe an entity associated with a device – a person associated with a badge or a bulldozer associated with a location tracker or a hospital ward associated with a piece of hospital equipment.

Rather than hard-coding a schema for assets in the system, SiteWhere defines SPIs for general asset * and allows asset modules to be plugged in to provide asset definitions. This allows existing identity management systems to be used in providing a list of available person assets. It also allows product catalog systems to be used in defining available hardware assets. SiteWhere uses asset modules in a read-only manner and only ever references entities based on a unique id understood by the underlying asset module. Maintaining the list of available assets is left to the systems behind the asset modules (which usually already have a user interface specific to the features they provide).

SiteWhere also provides the concept of asset categories which reside in the SiteWhere datastore. Asset categories are containers for assets of a given type and may be added/edited from within the administrative console. Asset categories are loaded as asset modules at runtime, allowing assets to be pulled from the datastore in addition to modules loaded from other sources such as XML files or third-party systems.







Object Model

SiteWhere provides a comprehensive object model that captures the relationships between all of the various concepts in tracking device data. The diagram below shows some of the core objects in the model and their relationships:




Sites are used to organize devices that are related so that their events can be looked at from a grouped perspective. The primary use case for sites is in location-aware devices. A site provides a containing entity to which a map can be assigned so that location data can be viewed in the context of that map. When creating a site in the administrative application, you can assign a map type and initial location/zoom so that location events for that site are rendered on the given map. The map rendering code uses the Leaftlet JavaScript map library and is able to create a dynamic overlay layer based directly on SiteWhere REST calls. Currently supported map * include:

Mapquest World Map

Used to render location data on a world map using MapQuest tiles.


网站用来组织相关联的设备,从而数据能够从分组的视角查看。网站的基本用途是位置感知的设备,网站提供了与地图关联的容器实体。因此位置数据能够在地图上展示。在后台管理应用中创建一个网站时,你能够指定地图类型和初始位置,网站的位置事件在给定的地图中展现。地图渲染代码使用Leaftlet JavaScript地图库,能够直接基于SiteWhere REST调用创建一个动态的图层。


Mapquest World Map


GeoServer Custom Map (Custom Tileset)

Used to render data on a custom GeoServer tile layer. This allows unique maps and floor plans to be used as the background for SiteWhere location rendering. The maps can include custom vector or raster data specific to the location data being visualized.

More map * will be added in the near future, but most use cases are covered by the existing map *.

SiteWhere was originally written as a system to track location-aware devices. Sites provided a way to group devices in the same physical vicinity (for instance in the same office building). There are some use cases that do not necessarily require the location-based aspects of sites, but they can still benefit from being able to view events across a group of related devices.

GeoServer Custom Map (Custom Tileset)

GeoServer 定制化地图(定制图块)

