在 Tastypie 中获取请求参数

2022-01-13 00:00:00 python django rest nosql tastypie


我正在为我的应用程序构建一个 REST API,该应用程序使用 Tastypie 的 NoSQL db (Neo4j).

I am building a REST API for my application that uses a NoSQL db (Neo4j) using Tastypie.

所以我重写了类 tastypie.resources.Resource 的一些主要方法,目前正在努力实现 def obj_get_list(self, request=None, **kwargs): 应该返回一个对象列表.

So I overrode some main methods of the class tastypie.resources.Resource to do so, and currently struggling to implement def obj_get_list(self, request=None, **kwargs): which is supposed to return a list of objects.

实际上,我想通过 url 将参数传递给此方法(类似于'aQuery' )然后根据此参数执行查询.

Actually, I want to pass a parameter to this method through the url (something like'aQuery' ) and then perform a query based on this parameter.

问题是请求是 None 所以我不能得到它的参数!

The problem is that the request is None so I can't get its parameter !

在打印 kwargs 变量时,我看到了这个:

When printing the kwargs variable, I see this :

{'bundle': <Bundle for obj: '<testNeo4Django.testapp.api.Airport object at 0x9d829ac>' and with data: '{}'>}



当前位置参数 request 没有传递给obj_get_list.

Currently positional argument request is not passed toobj_get_list.


def obj_get_list(self, bundle, **kwargs):

    param =  bundle.request.GET['param']
    #fetch objects based on param
    return objects
