node.js rest_使用Node.js和HarperDB构建REST API

2022-04-15 00:00:00 查询 数据 数据库 文件 实例

node.js rest

If you are building an application using Node.js, it can get a little overwhelming since there are a variety of databases to choose from and different ways to build APIs. One way to reduce development time and focus on the problem you are trying to solve is to use Database as a service to store the data. The advantage of this approach is to use a cloud database system without purchasing hardware which can be cost and time effective.

如果您使用Node.js构建应用程序,则可能会有些不知所措,因为有多种数据库可供选择,并且构建API的方法也不同。 减少开发时间并专注于要解决的问题的一种方法是将数据库作为服务来存储数据。 这种方法的优点是无需购买硬件即可使用云数据库系统,这可以节省成本和时间。

One such database service is HarperDB Cloud. To build REST APIs rapidly this service allows us to perform all database operations using a single endpoint. It supports a variety of programming languages such as JavaScript, Java, Python, and so on. Some of the features of HarperDB are the following:

HarperDB Cloud就是这样一种数据库服务。 为了快速构建REST API,该服务使我们可以使用单个端点执行所有数据库操作。 它支持多种编程语言,例如JavaScript,Java,Python等。 HarperDB的一些功能如下:

  • single endpoint API

  • allow JSON, CSVs file insertions

  • support SQL queries for full CRUD operations

  • Supports Math.js and GeoJSON

  • limited database configuration required


In this post, let’s build a simple REST API using Node.js and HarperDB Cloud to store some data. We are also going to use Express as the framework to build the Node.js server. It is a minimal and quite unopinionated framework.

在本文中,让我们使用Node.js和HarperDB Cloud构建一个简单的REST API,以存储一些数据。 我们还将使用Express作为构建Node.js服务器的框架。 这是一个小且完全不受质疑的框架。

先决条件 (Prerequisites)

Before you begin this tutorial, you’re going to need the following:


  • Node.js version above 12.x.x installed on your local machine


  • Access to a package manager such as npm or yarn

  • Basic JavaScript and ES6 knowledge

  • Access to a REST API client such as Postman or Insomnia

    访问诸如Postman或Insomnia之类的REST API客户端

  • Access to a HarperDB Cloud instance (free tier)

    访问HarperDB Cloud实例( 免费 )

To continue with the rest of the tutorial, please make sure you have an account with HarperDB Cloud and are logged in.

要继续学习本教程的其余部分,请确保您已经拥有HarperDB Cloud帐户并已登录。

入门 (Getting started)

Start by creating the project directory on a local development environment. Give this directory a name and navigate into it. Then, initialize this project to manage npm dependencies by creating a package.json file.

首先在本地开发环境上创建项目目录。 为该目录命名并导航至该目录。 然后,通过创建package.json文件初始化此项目以管理npm依赖项。

The --yes flag uses the default settings when initializing a package.json from npm config you might have set up.

从可能已设置的npm config初始化package.json时,-- --yes标志使用默认设置。

After the initializing step, let us add an express package. From the terminal window, run the command:

初始化步骤之后,让我们添加一个快递包裹。 在终端窗口中,运行以下命令:

Next, create a new file called index.js at the root of the project with the following code to trigger a minimal server:


In the above code snippet, the app is an object provided by Express API for the developer to communicate with the application and bootstrap a server.

在上面的代码片段中, app是Express API提供的对象,供开发人员与应用程序通信并引导服务器。

Go back to the terminal and trigger the common node index.js to start the server. This node command is the simplest way to trigger a development server when building APIs with Node.js. Now, open up your favorite REST client to test APIs. For the demonstration purpose, I am going to use Insomnia.

返回终端并触发公共node index.js以启动服务器。 使用Node.js构建API时,此node命令是触发开发服务器的简单方法。 现在,打开您喜欢的REST客户端以测试API。 出于演示目的,我将使用Insomnia 。

You can test API endpoint by invoking a call to http://localhost:8000 and it is going to return the result as shown below.

