aws redshift_从本地安装的IDE访问AWS Redshift

2021-12-27 00:00:00 集群 连接 配置 详细信息 单击

aws redshift

This article gives you an overview of configuring the AWS Redshift cluster to use it from a locally installed IDE or tools.

本文为您概述了如何配置AWS Redshift集群以通过本地安装的IDE或工具使用它。

介绍 (Introduction)

In my last article, Getting started with AWS Redshift, we saw how to create an AWS Redshift cluster. Though Redshift provides an in-console browser-based query editor interface, often it’s not sufficient for the regular day to day database development needs. The query editor interface is generally used for a quick preview style of checks or a sneak peek into the Redshift database. The standard practice is that developers and administrators use a locally installed tool or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) of choice installed on a local machine or a virtual machine on the cloud, from which they connect to the Redshift cluster endpoint. These IDEs generally are packed with a lot of features that support day to day needs of a developer or administrator to perform various actions on the Redshift cluster. In this article, we will explore the step-by-step process to configure a Redshift cluster in a way that we can connect to it using IDEs of choice. The following steps will assume that you have a working Redshift cluster and have the required administrative rights to operate on the cluster.

在上一篇文章“ AWS Redshift入门”中 ,我们了解了如何创建一个AWS Redshift集群。 尽管Redshift提供了基于控制台的基于浏览器的查询编辑器界面,但是对于常规的日常数据库开发需求而言,这通常是不够的。 查询编辑器界面通常用于检查的快速预览样式或对Redshift数据库的预览。 标准做法是,开发人员和管理员使用本地安装的工具或选择的IDE(集成开发环境)安装在本地计算机或云上的虚拟机上,并从中连接到Redshift集群端点。 这些IDE通常包含许多功能,这些功能可满足开发人员或管理员在Redshift集群上执行各种操作的日常需求。 在本文中,我们将逐步探索一种配置Redshift群集的分步过程,使我们可以使用所选的IDE将其连接。 以下步骤将假定您具有正常工作的Redshift集群,并且具有在该集群上运行所需的管理权限。

AWS Redshift IDE (AWS Redshift IDEs)

Several popular IDEs support working with Redshift like SQL Workbench, Aginity Pro for Redshift, Jetbrain’s DataGrip and many others. Redshift supports JDBC and ODBC interfaces as well as drivers using which one can connect to the redshift cluster. These drivers can be downloaded from here. If you are using an IDE that does not have out-of-box support for Redshift, you can install and configure these drivers in your IDE to work with Redshift. We would be using an IDE in this article that has out-of-box support for Redshift, so you would not need to perform this step of configuring the driver.

几种流行的IDE支持与Redshift一起使用,例如SQL Workbench,用于Redshift的Aginity Pro,Jetbrain的DataGrip等。 Redshift支持JDBC和ODBC接口以及驱动程序,通过该接口可以连接到redshift集群。 这些驱动程序可以从此处下载。 如果您使用的IDE不具有对Redshift的现成支持,则可以在IDE中安装和配置这些驱动程序以与Redshift一起使用。 我们将在本文中使用对Redshift具有开箱即用支持的IDE,因此您无需执行配置驱动程序的步骤。

Aginity Pro for Redshift is one of the most popular IDEs that is used with Redshift, which can be downloaded and used freely for individual use from here. Download and install this IDE if you are using a Windows or Mac-based workstation, as it does not support Linux.

用于Redshift的Aginity Pro是与Redshift一起使用的受欢迎的IDE之一,可以从此处免费下载和使用以供个人使用。 如果您使用的是基于Windows或Mac的工作站,请下载并安装此IDE,因为它不支持Linux。
