aws redshift_AWS Redshift入门

2021-12-27 00:00:00 创建 集群 节点 配置 群集

aws redshift

This article gives you an overview of AWS Redshift and describes the method of creating a Redshift Cluster step-by-step.

本文概述了AWS Redshift,并逐步介绍了创建Redshift集群的方法。

介绍 (Introduction)

AWS Redshift is a columnar data warehouse service on AWS cloud that can scale to petabytes of storage, and the infrastructure for hosting this warehouse is fully managed by AWS cloud. Redshift operates in a clustered model with a leader node, and multiple worked nodes, like any other clustered or distributed database models in general. It is based on Postgres, so it shares a lot of similarities with Postgres, including the query language, which is near identical to Structured Query Language (SQL). This Redshift supports creating almost all the major database objects like Databases, Tables, Views, and even Stored Procedures. In this article, we will explore how to create your first Redshift cluster on AWS and start operating it.

AWS Redshift是AWS云上的列式数据仓库服务,可以扩展到PB级存储,用于托管该仓库的基础架构由AWS云完全管理。 Redshift在具有节点和多个工作节点的集群模型中运行,通常与任何其他集群或分布式数据库模型一样。 它基于Postgres,因此与Postgres有很多相似之处,包括查询语言,与结构化查询语言(SQL)几乎相同。 该Redshift支持创建几乎所有主要的数据库对象,如数据库,表,视图,甚至存储过程。 在本文中,我们将探索如何在AWS上创建个Redshift集群并开始对其进行操作。

先决条件 (Pre-requisites)

An AWS account with the required privileges is required to use the AWS Redshift service. To create an AWS account, you would need to have a credit card or a payment method supported by AWS. First-time users who intend to open a new AWS account can read this article, which explains the process of opening and activating a new AWS account.

要使用AWS Redshift服务,需要具有必需特权的AWS账户。 要创建一个AWS账户,您需要拥有AWS支持的信用卡或付款方式。 打算开设新的AWS账户的初次用户可以阅读本文 ,其中介绍了开设和**新的AWS账户的过程。

Once you have a new AWS account, AWS offers many services under free-tier where you receive a certain usage limit of specific services for free. New account users get 2-months of Redshift free trial, so if you are a new user, you would not get charged for Redshift usage for 2 months for a specific type of Redshift cluster.

拥有新的AWS帐户后,AWS将免费提供许多服务,您可以免费获得特定服务的特定使用限制。 新帐户用户可获得2个月的Redshift 免费试用 ,因此,如果您是新用户,则对于特定类型的Redshift群集,您将在2个月内无需支付Redshift使用费。

创建您的个AWS Redshift集群 (Creating your first AWS Redshift Cluster)

It is assumed that the reader has an AWS account and required administrative privileges to operate on Redshift. If you are a new user, it is highly probable that you would be the root/admin user and you would have all the required permissions to operate anything on AWS. Once you log on to AWS using your user credentials (user id and password), you would be shown the landing screen which is also called the AWS Console Home Page.

假定读取器具有一个AWS账户并具有在Redshift上进行操作所需的管理权限。 如果您是新用户,则极有可能您将成为root / admin用户,并且您将拥有在AWS上进行任何操作所需的所有权限。 使用用户凭证(用户ID和密码)登录到AWS后,将显示登录屏幕,该屏幕也称为AWS控制台主页。

In AWS cloud, almost every service except a few is regional services, which means that whatever you create in the AWS cloud is created in the region selected by you. The default region in AWS in N. Virginia which you can see in the top-right corner. If you wish to create your Redshift cluster in a different region, you can select the region of your choice. You can learn more about AWS regions from this article. After selecting the region of your choice, the next step is to navigate to the AWS Redshift home page. Type Redshift on the search console as shown below, and you would find the service name listed.

在AWS云中,除少数服务外,几乎所有服务都是区域服务,这意味着您在AWS云中创建的任何内容都将在您选择的区域中创建。 您可以在右上角看到弗吉尼亚州北部AWS中的默认区域。 如果要在其他区域中创建Redshift集群,则可以选择所需的区域。 您可以从本文了解有关AWS区域的更多信息。 选择所需区域后,下一步是导航至AWS Redshift主页。 如下所示,在搜索控制台上键入Redshift,您将找到列出的服务名称。
