多处理中的error_callback.Python 2中的池apply_async?


函数apply_async 在Python 3 中具有参数error_callback.但是Python 2 中没有这个论点.

Function apply_async of multiprocessing.Pool class has argument error_callback in Python 3. But this argument is missing in Python 2.

有什么技巧可以在 Python 2 中实现相同的功能吗?理想情况下,我想编写在 Python 2 和 3 中运行的代码.

Is there any trick to achieve the same functionality in Python 2 ? Ideally I would like to write code which runs in both Python 2 and 3.



I haven't tried python3 yet. But for me, to catch the errors in the child process, I put the function that runs in child process within a

import traceback

    your code that can make error
except Exception as e:
    print e
    return False, traceback.format_exc()
    return True, result


So that I will know if something goes wrong.

我将返回格式更改为 OP 的注释,以便子进程返回一个元组 (is_success, result or error traceback message)

I change the return format as OP's comment so that the child process returns a tuple (is_success, result or error traceback message )


So that main process will first read the flag is_success and then handles the second argument accordingly.
