
2021-01-14 00:00:00 函数 方法 地址 字节 结构







class MyClass {    var p:Int = 0    init() {        print("init")    }    func helloSwift() -> Int {        print("helloSwift")        return 100    }    func helloSwift1() -> Int {        print("helloSwift1")        return 100    }    func helloSwift2() -> Int {        print("helloSwift2")        return 100    }}

在运行时,我们能否动态调用上面这个类的函数呢?如果换成OC语言,我相信绝大多数iOSer 都知道如何动态调用。

/**假设MyClass由OC实现*/@interface MyClass : NSObject
@property(nonatomic,assign)int p;
@implementation MyClass
- (instancetype)init{ if (self = [super init]) { NSLog(@"init"); } return self;}- (int)helloSwift{ NSLog(@"helloSwift"); return 100;}- (int)helloSwift1{ NSLog(@"helloSwift1"); return 100;}- (int)helloSwift2{ NSLog(@"helloSwift2"); return 100;}
/**那么通过runtime可以获取到任意的方法IMP*/  Class class = NSClassFromString(@"MyClass"); unsigned int count = 0; Method *list = class_copyMethodList(class,&count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {      Method method = list[i];      NSLog(@"- [%@ %@]",class,NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(method))); } NSLog(@"%@ count = %u",class,count);
//模拟通过IMP调用更直观 Method method = class_getInstanceMethod(class, @selector(helloSwift)); IMP imp = method_getImplementation(method); imp();
打印结果如下2020-11-19 17:16:08.885763+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass init]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886219+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass helloSwift]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886389+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass helloSwift1]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886537+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass helloSwift2]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886680+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass p]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886823+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] - [MyClass setP:]2020-11-19 17:16:08.886932+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] MyClass count = 62020-11-19 17:16:08.887166+0800 SwiftToolDemo[45037:17709798] helloSwift
 Class class = NSClassFromString(@"SwiftDynamicRun.MyClass");  unsigned int count = 0;  Method *list = class_copyMethodList(class,&count);  for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {       Method method = list[i];       NSLog(@"- [%@ %@]",class,NSStringFromSelector(method_getName(method)));   }
打印结果如下:2020-11-11 16:08:30.714057+0800 SwiftDynamic[71869:13232511] SwiftDynamic.MyClass count = 0



通过 __objc_classlist中的地址,我们能找到每个类的详细信息。本文以arm64架构为例,在找到0x11820文件偏移后,我们很容易通过结构体结构套取到类的信息。

struct class64{    unsigned long long isa;    unsigned long long superClass;    unsigned long long cache;    unsigned long long vtable;    unsigned long long data;};

在本文中,可能有同学对地址和偏移的换算存在困惑。例如8字节中存储的是0x1000011820,为什么我们要去寻找0x11820的文件偏移。在Mach-O需要先判断0x1000011820位于哪个segment中,在Load Commands里会记录每个segment的起始虚拟地址及size。

if (address >= segmentCommand.vmaddr && address <= segmentCommand.vmaddr + segmentCommand.vmsize) {       return address - (segmentCommand.vmaddr - segmentCommand.fileoff); }

在本文中,为了不影响阅读,可以将虚拟地址 - 0x100000000当做文件偏移。

上文中struct class64 中的data指向了class64Info结构体的地址。根据class64Info结构体我们很容易能找到类名和类的实例方法列表。并且通过方法列表的IMP找到每个函数的起始地址。




虽然Swift完整保留了struct class64和struct class64Info的数据结构,但是MyClass并没有将方法列表保存到struct class64Info中。那么在这里就会有2个问题

  • 为什么Swift类要保留OC的类结构?

  • MyClass的方法存在哪里?



这些section中,__swift5_*中存储的是Class、Struct、Enum的地址。具体每个section存储Swift的哪些数据,在Swift metadata(https://knight.sc/reverse%20engineering/2019/07/17/swift-metadata.html)一文中有较为详细的描述。
如果此时你打开MachOView,查看__swift5_*的二进制数据后你会发现它与OC的存储有很大的不同。在OC中,存储地址通常都是8字节的直接存储对应的地址。但是*不是8字节地址,而是4字节,并且所存储的数据明显不是直接地址,而是相对地址。那么如何得出MyClass的地址呢?当前文件偏移 + 随后4字节中存储的value即可得到地址。

经过计算后可发现,MyClass的偏移位于__TEXT,__const中。无论是按 Scott Knight(https://knight.sc/)整理好的结构:
type ClassDescriptor struct {    Flags                       uint32    Parent                      int32    Name                        int32    AccessFunction              int32    FieldDescriptor             int32    SuperclassType              int32    MetadataNegativeSizeInWords uint32    MetadataPositiveSizeInWords uint32    NumImmediateMembers         uint32    NumFields                   uint32}


struct _ClassContextDescriptor: _ContextDescriptorProtocol {    var flags: Int32    var parent: Int32    var mangledNameOffset: Int32    var field*Accessor: Int32    var reflectionFieldDescriptor: Int32    var superClsRef: Int32    var metadataNegativeSizeInWords: Int32    var metadataPositiveSizeInWords: Int32    var numImmediateMembers: Int32    var numberOfFields: Int32    var fieldOffsetVector: Int32}

首先查看了 ClassContextDescriptorBuilder 的layout方法,这里似乎能看到我们想要的信息——VTable。

class ClassContextDescriptorBuilder//重写了addLayoutInfovoid layout() {      super::layout();      addVTable();      addOverrideTable();      addObjCResilientClassStubInfo();      maybeAddCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations();    }}
ClassContextDescriptorBuilder //重写父类addLayoutInfo方法,从而添加SuperclassType 、MetadataNegativeSizeInWords、MetadataPositiveSizeInWords、NumImmediateMembers 、NumFields、FieldOffsetVectorOffset、VTable、OverrideTable等               ^               |TypeContextDescriptorBuilderBase // 添加Name、AccessFunction、FieldDescriptor、NumFields、FieldOffsetVectorOffset               ^               |ContextDescriptorBuilderBase  //添加Flag 、Parent
class TypeContextDescriptorBuilderBasevoid layout() {      asImpl().computeIdentity();
super::layout(); asImpl().addName(); asImpl().addAccessFunction(); asImpl().addReflectionFieldDescriptor(); asImpl().addLayoutInfo(); asImpl().addGenericSignature(); asImpl().maybeAddResilientSuperclass(); asImpl().maybeAddMetadataInitialization(); }
void addLayoutInfo() { auto properties = getType()->getStoredProperties();
// uint32_t NumFields; B.addInt32(properties.size());
// uint32_t FieldOffsetVectorOffset; B.addInt32(FieldVectorOffset / IGM.getPointerSize()); }}
 class ContextDescriptorBuilderBase {  void layout() {      asImpl().addFlags();      asImpl().addParent();    }}
 void addVTable() {       ...           B.addInt32(VTableEntries.size());       for (auto fn : VTableEntries)        emitMethodDescriptor(fn);  }



 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |  TypeFlag(16bit)  |  version(8bit) | generic(1bit) | unique(1bit) | unknown (1bit) | Kind(5bit) | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


// Kinds of context descriptor.enum class ContextDescriptorKind : uint8_t {/// This context descriptor represents a module.Module = 0,
/// This context descriptor represents an extension.Extension = 1,
/// This context descriptor represents an anonymous possibly-generic context/// such as a function body.Anonymous = 2,
/// This context descriptor represents a protocol context.Protocol = 3,
/// This context descriptor represents an opaque type alias.OpaqueType = 4,
/// First kind that represents a type of any sort.Type_First = 16,
/// This context descriptor represents a class.Class = Type_First,
/// This context descriptor represents a struct.Struct = Type_First + 1,
/// This context descriptor represents an enum.Enum = Type_First + 2,
/// Last kind that represents a type of any sort.Type_Last = 31,};sVTable = 15, };
/// Flags for nominal type context descriptors. These values are used as the/// kindSpecificFlags of the ContextDescriptorFlags for the type.class TypeContextDescriptorFlags : public FlagSet<uint16_t> {  enum {    // All of these values are bit offsets or widths.    // Generic flags build upwards from 0.    // Type-specific flags build downwards from 15.
/// Whether there's something unusual about how the metadata is /// initialized. /// /// Meaningful for all type-descriptor kinds. MetadataInitialization = 0, MetadataInitialization_width = 2,
/// Set if the type has extended import information. /// /// If true, a sequence of strings follow the null terminator in the /// descriptor, terminated by an empty string (i.e. by two null /// terminators in a row). See TypeImportInfo for the details of /// these strings and the order in which they appear. /// /// Meaningful for all type-descriptor kinds. HasImportInfo = 2,
/// Set if the type descriptor has a pointer to a list of canonical /// prespecializations. HasCanonicalMetadataPrespecializations = 3,
// Type-specific flags:
/// The kind of reference that this class makes to its resilient superclass /// descriptor. A TypeReferenceKind. /// /// Only meaningful for class descriptors. Class_ResilientSuperclassReferenceKind = 9, Class_ResilientSuperclassReferenceKind_width = 3,
/// Whether the immediate class members in this metadata are allocated /// at negative offsets. For now, we don't use this. Class_AreImmediateMembersNegative = 12,
/// Set if the context descriptor is for a class with resilient ancestry. /// /// Only meaningful for class descriptors. Class_HasResilientSuperclass = 13,
/// Set if the context descriptor includes metadata for dynamically /// installing method overrides at metadata instantiation time. Class_HasOverrideTable = 14,
/// Set if the context descriptor includes metadata for dynamically /// constructing a class's vtables at metadata instantiation time. /// /// Only meaningful for class descriptors. Class_HasVTable = 15, };
  • 低5位标识当前描述的类型,是Class | Struct | Enum | Protocol等等。
  • 高16位用于标识是否有Class_HasVTable | Class_HasOverrideTable | Class_HasResilientSuperclass 等等。
以MyClass的Falg = 0x80000050为例。低5位为0x50 = 1 0 0 0 0 。其十进制为16,在ContextDescriptorKind中,16标识Class。高16位为0x8000 = 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0, 在TypeContextDescriptorFlags中,第16位为1标识Class_HasVTable。因此0x80000050的意思为具有VTable的类。


感兴趣的可以下载Demo( https://github.com/pilaf-king/SwiftMachODemo,在运行时大家可能会有疑问,为什么输出的函数数量与实际写的函数不一致。因为除了自己写的函数外,还有额外自动生成的函数,也被加入到VTable中。
函数的Flag解释如下,感兴趣的可以关注下/** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ |  ExtraDiscriminator(16bit) | .. | isDynamic(1bit) | isInstance(1bit) | Kind(4bit) | ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
enum class Kind { Method, Init, Getter, Setter, ModifyCoroutine, ReadCoroutine, }; */


//OverrideTable结构如下,紧随VTable后4字节为OverrideTable数量,再其后为此结构数组struct SwiftOverrideMethod {    struct SwiftClassType *OverrideClass;    struct SwiftMethod *OverrideMethod;    struct SwiftMethod *Method;};


