可以从 IDLE 运行多处理进程类吗

2022-01-12 00:00:00 python python-idle multiprocessing


多处理进程类的基本示例在从文件执行时运行,而不是从 IDLE 执行.为什么会这样,能做到吗?

A basic example of multiprocessing Process class runs when executed from file, but not from IDLE. Why is that and can it be done?

from multiprocessing import Process

def f(name):
    print('hello', name)

p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))


是的.该函数中的以下工作 f 在单独的(第三个)进程中运行.

Yes. The following works in that function f is run in a separate (third) process.

from multiprocessing import Process

def f(name):
    print('hello', name)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    p = Process(target=f, args=('bob',))

但是,要查看 print 输出,至少在 Windows 上,必须从这样的控制台启动 IDLE.

However, to see the print output, at least on Windows, one must start IDLE from a console like so.

C:UsersTerry>python -m idlelib
hello bob

(在 2.x 上使用 idlelib.idle.)原因是 IDLE 在单独的进程中运行用户代码.目前,IDLE 进程和用户代码进程之间的连接是通过套接字进行的.多处理完成的分叉不会复制或继承套接字连接.通过图标或资源管理器(在 Windows 中)启动 IDLE 时,打印输出无处可去.当使用 python(而不是 pythonw)从控制台启动时,输出将进入控制台,如上.

(Use idlelib.idle on 2.x.) The reason is that IDLE runs user code in a separate process. Currently the connection between the IDLE process and the user code process is via a socket. The fork done by multiprocessing does not duplicate or inherit the socket connection. When IDLE is started via an icon or Explorer (in Windows), there is nowhere for the print output to go. When started from a console with python (rather than pythonw), output goes to the console, as above.
