适用于 Python 的 Visual Studio Code 缩进


如何在 Visual Studio Code 中启用缩进?

How do I enable indentation in Visual Studio Code?

我正在尝试学习 Python(编程新手)并且需要自动缩进.它适用于我尝试的第一个版本,但它不再在冒号 (:) 后缩进.如何将其配置为自动缩进?

I'm trying to learn Python (new to programming) and need auto-indentation. It worked with the first version I tried, but it doesn't indent after a colon (:) any more. How can I configure it to automatically indent?


您可以安装 Visual Studio Code Python 扩展,它将提供智能感知、自动完成、代码格式化和调试.

You can install the Visual Studio Code Python extension which will provide intellisense, auto-completion, code formatting, and debugging.

这里是关于 Python 扩展的更多信息,这里.

Here is more information on the Python extension, here.
